Regaine Foam - Questions For First Time User


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Totally new to all this and just have a couple questions about tips etc. I was advised by my barber to start uing regaine to get my hair thinker as its going fine.. so thats extactly what i have done. I currently have medium length hair. So question 1: Whats the best way to apply the foam through medium hair length?

I am a keen swimming and i got 3-4 days a week before work.. Question 2: Am i able to apply the Regaine Foam 45 mins before i get into the pool and be ok with the treatment.. or is that too short of time. Im just a little confused as I've read on some websites that i have to wait 4 hours before getting it wet and on the Regaine website it states its fine but make sure its dry. Any thoughts on this?

I read that you may shed more hair that usual.. does this mean I am going to lose my hair before i actually get thinker hair.. or that I will just lose few more strans than normal.. but cant tell from visual looks?

Any other advice wouldbe great... and thank you in advance :)


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Get your hands cold before putting the foam on them (keeps the foam from disappearing in your hands) and rub into scalp (try to leave it out of your hair so it's not wasted). For your hair it may be easier to separate with your hand or comb and dab in with foam. Personally I use the liquid as its easier to reach the scalp, has propylene glycol (helps the minoxidil absorb better but for some can irritate the skin), and allows me to use just 1x daily at night before bed.

Do not get your hair wet for at least 4 hours after applying for maximum absorption.

Most people shed more hair than usual from minoxidil. Some don't have a shed. But people say the more you shed, the better you'll respond.

Check out this link for help:
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