Red, itchy dots all over the scalp & hair loss.


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Hi there.
About 3 / 4 years ago I realised my hair started to fall out, but I didn't take it as a major threat. I kinda ignored it too. It wasn't a lot of hair, but it's been getting worse and worse with every year.Few years ago my hairdresser noticed tiny, red patches all over my scalp while she was cutting my hair. I bought nizoral and ignored it thinking it would go away but it didn't.In the past few months the red patches turned into red, itchy dots that appear all over my scalp. The scalp also gets very red and irritated everytime I brush my hair, even when it's once.I thought I was going bald due to genetics, but none of the male members of my family ever went bald, that includes my mom's dad and my dad's dad, plus, the symptoms such as these should not be happening during the male-pattern balding. It's worth pointing out that I've been using a lot of hairspray and texture gums pretty often back in the day, but I stopped.I use T-Gel by neutrogena to wash my hair, sometimes it gets better but sometimes it doesn't.Last week I had my blood-test done and all the results are ok. Does any of you know what it might be? How to treat it and what I might be allergic to?
