really really need help/advise :(


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hi guys,
ive been pretty much just a reader of these forums for the past 2 months, and havent posted anything until now. It seems like theres some great informative people and i am really really in need of help.

im 22 now and ive been having hairloss since about 19-20 and its getting to a stage where im really having noticible patches ontop of my head and its destroying me mentally, ive lost all confidence.

about 2 months ago i bought some proscar and said to myself ok stick with this no matter what for 1 year. I quartered the tablet and had it every night for 6 weeks. Over this time i totally lost my libido, had a numb ache in my testies, and i had this horrible burning/tingling in my nipples, and basically the nipples looked alot bigger and the breast area felt like it was getting bigger.

This forced me to stop taking these tablets and pretty much a few days after these affects slowly went away. I didnt really notice much over 6 weeks apart from maybe a slightly reduced shedding. But lately since ive got off it ive noticed even MORE hairloss and now its getting to a stage where i dont wanna go anywhere without a hat.

Im really not sure where to go from here, i bought a bottle of minoxidil but im not even gonna bother because ive read plenty of stuff saying it gives off flaky, oily scalp and that it really doesnt do much for hairloss for the effort involved.

Ive read a fair few sucess stories with propecia and i was really really exciting to get on it, only to be so disappointed with the harsh sides. So basically guys i need some kind of advise on what options do u think i have. Ive read about estrogen blockers but im a bit worries about the sides off them as well, its just a never ending web of crap and im at the stage i just wanna give up totally, give me some inspiration guys!


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Mate, i had similar side effects to begin with. One morning I woke up early to goto work 5AM and i in the shower i felt like i had no penis... no joke i said to myself I HAVE TO STICK WITH IT and about 2 months later everything seemed to have gotten better...

I think maybe try a lower dosage and stick to it and wait out the side effects.

There are pletny of similar stories on here so do some searching and read away... and although minoxidil is good, it definately isn't free from problems either.


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i agree with hellohello..

try lowering the dosage till the sides go away.. they should give it time.


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You must stick consistently with the treatment. The sides DO eventually diminish, and your hair will come back...

You can talk to your doctor about starting off on a lower dose for a couple weeks, then generally raising it to 1.0mg or 1.25 mg.


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ok im thinking about going back on propecia, and i think i can ride out the low libido ( not like i have any confidence at the moment anyway) but i cannot deal with the fact that i might develop lumps or heaps of fat and ultimately grow manboobs. I mean i spent 6 weeks on it and i felt alot of pain and even now after being off it for a month i still feel a light pain and feel like even now ive developed a tiny bit of fat under there. Ive heard rumors of guys who have just said "f*** it" to the pain and after a year or 1.5 years they ahve developed gyno and it is irreversable and that is something i cannot do.

For arguements sake is there any anti gyno/estrogen blockers out there that dont have any extra sides and that i can get through a doctor(assuming there designed only for women).

thanks for the response so far guys!


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also another thing i was quartering the proscar tablets ive heard of people doing it in 1/5's am i doing it wrong or what?

and also say i wanted to do a half dosage, does taking 1mg every 2 days have the same effect as doing 0.5 every day?

thanks again


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AcidMoon said:
also another thing i was quartering the proscar tablets ive heard of people doing it in 1/5's am i doing it wrong or what?

and also say i wanted to do a half dosage, does taking 1mg every 2 days have the same effect as doing 0.5 every day?

thanks again

In your case I would highly consider using Propecia instead, I understand its pretty hard to divide Proscar tablets up into anything smaller than 1/4's and that's quite the hefty dosage (1.25mg). With Propecia you can divide it in 1/2 or 1/4 pretty easily if need be. I would think that having it every day would be ideal from a DHT blocking standpoint, as you constantly have new finasteride entering your system daily to battle DHT. Every other day might cause more hormonal spiking and inconsistancies. Although I do know the Finasteride would still be working for you on the day you are not taking the pill, but maybe with less effect.


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AcidMoon please keep in mind that the people giving you advice HAVE NO MEDICAL TRAINING.