Rapid Loss Need Advice On What To Do


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I'm currently going through the worst shed of my life and I'm trying to figure out how to stop it. Every time I run my hand through my hair, at least 10 hairs come out, more than just 2-3, which is what used to happen. The hair in the front of my head (not my crown, not my temples) has visibly thinned over the past few days and I'm seriously worried. I started taking Walgreens brand minoxidil liquid and applying it to my frontal hairline (even though the container said don't apply it there, people on this forum said it does help, just not as much) about 2-3 weeks ago, and I'm really not sure what to do. Should I stay on the minoxidil? Should I stop? Will those hairs grow back? (The hairs that have fallen out are pretty thick, you can see the follicle) Should I change another part of my lifestyle (fitness, sleep, hydration)? Any advice would be really helpful

Here are some other pieces of info that might or might not be relevant:
20 y/o
Was taking minoxidil (Kirkland Signature liquid) for about 3 months but stopped around April
Very frequent exercise
Was taking creatine for about a week but stopped immediately when this started happening
Regimen is currently minoxidil & Nizoral
Eating a lot of protein (eggs & milk & whey)
Hot climate
Been losing hair for about 2 years now
Struggle with Dandruff

Thanks guys!