Rant on hair loss


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I started losing hair when I hit puberty. I was on Rogaine at 16, and pretty much bald at 21. And I come from a community where being bald is considered very unsexy.

I have learned to live with it, but occasionally I get a bit blue even in my mid 30s now. Going bald so early..it did not crush my self confidence, but it did not help it either. And as I look back, I realise it had a snowball effect. I am naturally an introvert, so coupled that with baldness (and bad teeth) I held back in interactions with girls, (yeah, I should have had more self confidence, but try that telling to a 20 year old boy on rogaine that his peers dont care about hair), and that acted like a seed. Since my interaction was less initially, I held back more later, and even more etc.

What makes things worse is that guys are not supposed to care about losing hair, like we are not human beings. Having insecurities makes us unmanly. We are just supposed to be completely unaffected by comments in TV etc like "I wish he had hair" directed towards good looking fellas (eg Bruce Willis in Red). And unaffected by overhearing comments by female relatives on how having no hair is a liability

It seems like the only look which works for bald men is the bad guy look. Thin long face. What about the rest of us who dont have a thin long face?

And to rub tobasco sauce on the wounds, I recently got dark patches all over my head (autoimmune reaction to something unknown). Great. And apparently they dont go away. A blotchy hairless head, so sexy :sobbing:

Anyhoo, I'm cutting weight now, I'm not fat but fat goes to my face. I will see if my face looks better skinny. I recently grew a beard and was surprised just how much proper hair framing (even on the bottom) can affect a face.

Yes I am a man. And yes I have insecurities. And yes I get hurt. So there.


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finfighter said:
Maybe you should try a hair system, they make some pretty damn good ones these days.

They do, but wearing a hairpiece is considered to be unmanly: and something to be made fun of.

Unlike women, we are supposed to not fiddle with what nature has cursed up with.

uncomfortable man

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I hear you man, it's hard because we are constantly reminded of it.... and it's irritating. But don't let the positivity police here convince you that you don't have a reason to be upset by your hairloss, because we have every right to be.