Quit 5% minoxidil and have experienced no shedding after 5 month


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Still using 2% spironolactone and Crew Cu peptides, which continue to increase my hair thickeness and density.

I was on minoxidil for a year. I should have already shed the minoxidil hairs, but it appears that the spironolactone and cu pep's have protected my follicles and prevented minoxidil dependency.

Whatever the spironolactone and peptides have done, it has transcended and trumped any positive effects of minoxidil.

I"m still barely a norwood 2, and have shown no sign of regression in the 3 years ive been using 2% spironolactone.


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maybe the minoxidil never gave you any growth in the first place and you got the growth for the spironolactone???