quick minoxidil question


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i know that you need to apply minoxidil to the scalp twice per day. however, i would prefer not to shampoo my hair twice a day. for me, it is very impractical because i have a VERY busy schedule. therefore, the question i need answered is as follows...
is it ok to apply minoxidil to already gelled hair? the reason i am wondering is because i apply minoxidil when i go to sleep after a shower. but for my second application, i plan to apply it mid-day since it is roughly 12 hours apart. however, in the middle of the day i dont have time to wash and then restyle my hair. do you guys think this could pose a problem? also, i have no problem hitting my scalp with the minoxidil when styled because my hair is rather thin.

thank you.


Established Member
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Yeah, no problem whatsoever. I assume most of us do the same thing rather then going through the hassle of showering twice in a day.


New Member
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I alternate in shampooing. Sometimes if I'm to tired I'll just put on the minoxidil and go to sleep, but I try to wash my hair if possible. Mainly because it styles better the next morning by washing out all the minoxidil and hair gel. What ever works for you man!