questions for hair transplant recipients(igot3hts)


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Iam 28. My latest one was done 6months ago. Itwas satisfactory and denser than ever before.
The thing is about half of them fell out diffusely and i think it was because for the lasst 2wks i slept late at night, had several sex, had unhealthy foods. It is totally panicky and i have no idea what to do. I blame myself for what i've done because before this surgery, i decided to keep away from all those bad things that could trigger hair loss.
It's so silly but isthere anyone who got through same situation like me? It really makes me depressed that it's me who screwed the whole hair transplant. Can anybody help? Sometimes i just wanna kill myself though i don't wanna die and have a happy life. It really is ****in' disastrous that gotta live like a Buddhist monk.

anyone who recovered from post-op hair loss ? I mean transplanted hair loss...


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First off- relax. I find it hard to believe that sex and unhealthy foods "ruined" your hair transplant- I haven't gone through one yet, but the first thing I would do is check with your doctor. I wouldn't be embarrassed to share these things with him- he's your doctor and this concerns your procedure.