question about minoxidil dosage


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Hi guys,

I was just wondering. I'm suppose to apply 1ml of minoxidil each time I use it, but I use it for my temple areas, so should I be using 1ml for each temple or .5 for each temple.


The Gardener

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Use .45ml for each temple and the thinning hair around the temples, and use the remaining .1ml to spread a few drops onto the crown.

That's Gardner's stand.


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I haven't been noticing any hair loss in the crown yet, should I still take that precaution at this point?


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I guess it couldn't hurt. But either way I don't need to use more then 1 ml at a time?

The Gardener

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If all you have are balding temples, then I don't think you would have any need to use more than 1ml per application.

As for the crown application... if the top of your head is perfect then you might not HAVE to worry about it, but Dr Lee says that a few drops on the crown is always a good idea. Specifically, if you put your fingers on the top corners of each of your temples, and run them up your scalp to where they meet on the top of your head, THAT area is where you should definitely put a few extra drops as this is the area that your male pattern baldness will soon progress to, over time.


Gardner - are .3 per cornrow split into 5 rows of minoxidil 2% too much? I suffer from diffuse so I start more then halfways up my scalp (from front) and go down.

The Gardener

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Nesta, the amount you are applying does not seem inordinate or excessive given the fact you are a diffuse thinner. It makes sense to me.

Over time, you might be able to cut back on it a bit as you get more accurate in handling the minoxidil dropper, but you are doing fine.


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I use about 4 drops of min on my right frontal temp side..norwood 2.5 here..that enough?..I emailed Dr Lee he infromed that 4 drops is just as good as .5 ml as long as the minoxidil gets to the treated area the amount u use is not of importance just the concentration he says..

The Gardener

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I don't think it is a matter of how many drops here and how many drops there... it is really a matter of making sure that you have dotted the vicinity of your affected area and that the medicine makes it to the scalp.


Established Member
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Hey gardener..
Yeh im noyl applying 4 drops total once or twice per day in just like even les than 2 weeks ive noticed my hair feels thinner..normal..good sign..after just 4 drops everday..i must be sentive to it..i think


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jason566 said:
I emailed Dr Lee he infromed that 4 drops is just as good as .5 ml as long as the minoxidil gets to the treated area the amount u use is not of importance just the concentration he says..

Does Dr. Lee think a "homeopathic" dose of 5% topical minoxidil would work, then? :wink:



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..Im not sure what u mean by homeopathic bryan..Im thinking your suggesting that Dr Lee is wrong but Dr Lee also makes the stuff and treats patients too. why would he say that if not true?


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I'll put it a different way: Does Dr. Lee really think that using only 1 microliter of a 5% solution on the entire scalp would be better than using 1 milliliter of a 2% solution? I don't think he would believe such a crazy idea. It's obvious that it's not just the concentration that's important, but also the volume of application.
