Q for minoxidil Users: Why does it seem really runny sometimes?

The Gardener

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Now, minoxidil is always a somewhat runny and potentially messy substance to apply, but it does not seem to be consistently so. Sometimes, it seems like I put the minoxidil on and it just runs all over the place, as if I were just dropping water on my head. Other times it seems like it holds tight to the scalp with minimal drippage.

Has anyone else noticed this? I am just wondering if it correlates with some external factor... could it be that a higher ambient temperature makes the minoxidil runnier, or could it be runny only after conditioner is applied to the hair? Is it humidity? Any thoughts? Anyone?


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shake the bottle?


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i have noticed that too, and i think its just to do with putting too much on a spot without noticing it and it drips down. its harder to apply to thick hair areas imo.

The Gardener

Senior Member
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Thanks for the replies gents. You know, Matgallis, I honestly believe that there is something to your shake the bottle theory. The bottle I have used the last few days has been nearing empty. In fact, I finished it tonight and yet again when I applied it the sh*t ran down my forehead again. I'm an experienced minoxidil user and yes, I have noticed subtle differences from application to application that could be chalked up to application style, etc, but this was unmistakeable. The sh*t just was not sticking to the scalp, for the third day in a row.

And then, half way through the application, the familiar woosh woosh of the dropper hitting air at the bottom of the bottle, bottle finished. I went to the next bottle, pushed turned and torqued the mutha open and stuck in the dropper. Pinched that dropper head and sucked up a fresh gusher of virgin minoxidil from the brand new bottle. Began to dribble the sh*t on my head, and guess what? It stuck.

Just an FYI, I think, to folks out there, maybe. Has anyone else noticed runny minoxidil at the bottom of the bottle? I am thinking that since the dropper draws from the bottom of the bottle, that in a bottle that perhaps has been sitting around too long the bottom contents are predominantly the heavier PPG and the top contents predominantly alcohol? Thus, the last slurps from it were runnier than normal. Could it be? Might it be a good idea to give your minoxidil bottles a little shake from time to time?
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Gardener ,you dont take any dht inhibitor product and from what u put on ur avatar the last last time u still have thick hair.I would think u only apply minoxidil on ur thinning areas(temples?) and not on ur whole scalp.So whats keeping ur hair in the other areas.Do u think that there may be any truth to the claim that green tea is a natural equivalent to a dht inhibitor.

The Gardener

Senior Member
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Well, I am lucky to only be male pattern baldness-affected in the front of my hair, on my temples. I have no thinning in the back, no 'bald spot' so to speak. I don't attribute this to the green tea, I think it is just the genetic pattern that my hair has been programmed with. The green tea, I think, helps a bit but is probably not making or breaking anything as far as hairloss is concerned.

True... I put 90% of the minoxidil on the front half of my hair. The remaining 20% I put into the crown area as a preventative measure. So, I start with a wide swath across the bald temples and center hairline, and work back, narrowing the area of application to the point at the vertex. In effect, my application area is shaped like a pizza slice, the crust at the hairline, and the tip of the end at my crown.