Pumpkin seeds and pumpkin seed oil


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interesting. i think i'm going to try using it topically on my right hairline and see if there's a difference at 1-3 months compared to my left hairline

Did you get any results with this- I wouldn't think topical application would be markedly effective without other treatments?


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reinventng the wheel here??? it's a well known anti-androgen... often combined with saw palmetto in prostate supplements...


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I am using it. I have a self made oil I use to massage my head 1-2 times a week and leave it overnight.

- 40% pumpkin seed oil
- 40% castor oil
- 15% indian gooseberry oil
- 5% EMU oil

Don't ask me why I chose those percentages. I just mixed whatever I had where cost also played a part.

The oil mixture is infused with saw palmetto dried berries and dried nettle root with a few dried twigs of rosemary thrown in.

I do not know whether it is having any effect because I am on Big3 and keep trying various other stuff from time to time.
I also eat about half a mug of pumpkin + sunflower seed most days.


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I'm taking a 1000 mg pumpkin seed oil tablet per day. Is this a good dose?

I've recently begun that along with Biotin and Revivogen and Nizoral. Been on Rogaine 7 years (may have lost its effectiveness).


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I am using it. I have a self made oil I use to massage my head 1-2 times a week and leave it overnight.

- 40% pumpkin seed oil
- 40% castor oil
- 15% indian gooseberry oil
- 5% EMU oil

Don't ask me why I chose those percentages. I just mixed whatever I had where cost also played a part.

The oil mixture is infused with saw palmetto dried berries and dried nettle root with a few dried twigs of rosemary thrown in.

I do not know whether it is having any effect because I am on Big3 and keep trying various other stuff from time to time.
I also eat about half a mug of pumpkin + sunflower seed most days.

I just added gooseberry oil and castor oil to my regimine. Any updates to how its helping?


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Does it work? If so, to what extent and what's the quantity we're talking about one has to consume from either the raw seeds or the oil? Anyone got any reliable sources on that?

Additional info: pumpkin seeds are a national dish where I'm from and thus rather cheap for me to obtain. Oh, and I'm a NW2 btw

Try Lavendar oil scientifically proven for hair growth


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Pumpkin seeds are packed with Vitamin A,K, B (biotin), sulfur, and zinc and omega-3 fatty acids. All these nutrientsare essential for the health of your scalp and hair. Snacking on a handful of rawpumpkin seed like these regularly is adelicious way of lessening testosterone conversion to DHT and minimizinghair loss.The consumption of pumpkin seeds ensureshealthy, shiny and thick hair. Just add pumpkin seeds to your diet. It will notonly stimulate hair growth but will also help you get rid of premature balding.Whenit comes to hair care and skin care, pumpkin seeds are kind of super effective.They help to maintain healthy scalp and helps to strengthen hair. In fact, some people go so far as to apply pumpkin seed oil directly to their scalp before bed. The idea is to allowthe delta-7-sterine, beta-sitosterol, essential fatty acids and otherbeneficial nutrients in pumpkin seeds to act directly on the hair folliclesovernight. If you don’t want green hair then taking raw pumpkin seed oil by the spoonful or drizzled over a salad seems much more enjoyable.
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My Regimen
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Snacking on a handful of rawpumpkin seed like theseregularly is adelicious way of lessening testosterone conversion to DHT and minimizinghair loss.

Since when?

- - - Updated - - -

Try Lavendar oil scientifically proven for hair growth
Two spurious claims from south asians as the two most recent posts in the thread.