Proscar problems, thinking of dusteride


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I have moved from propecia to 1/4 proscar about one month ago. I have noticed some extra thining at my temple, is this due to the proscar? I bought it from inhouse pharmacy anyone else bought anything from there? I have also recently started rogaine foam twice a day after using 12.5% minoxidal in the evenings only do you think this may have caused the extra thinning?

I had been taking propecia for two years before that do you think its time for dusteride?


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Doubtful that the change to Proscar would cause a problem, it is exactly the same unless it is bogus. More than likely it is due to the Rogaine Foam. I was a long time user of the liquid, but when I changed over to foam I also had a shed up front, but it grew back. The foam is better absorbed than any of the liquids, plus using it twice daily opposed to once with the other brand is probably more of a shock also. My advice, keep up with your regime and you will ride it out and probably end up with more hair too.


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Foam & Proscar

My hair in the front has thinned as well from using Minoxidel. I started the liuid along the hairline 2 months ago and switched to the foam last week. The result has been a lot of thinning throughout the scalp, especially in the front. My hairline (especially on right side) has moved back about a half inch since starting the Minoxidel and no growth yet. Shouldn't I have seen some growth by now?? Will the hair return and move back down? Also, I noticed I have more sebum attached to the end of the hair shaft as it falls out. I thought the Finasteride would decrease this?? It would be nice if you could comment (anyone). Thanks-Tim


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probably the minoxidil foam, stick wioth it and the hair will come back thicker and better :D