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> . . . In fact for people who are on meds like pepcid, zantac, prilosec or any other H2 histamine blocker they may want to consider giving taga ment a try since it will work for the stomach yet tend to have a positive impact on hair.

Someone on another forum wrote the above today. Am I the only person that didn't friggin' know this??!!

I've been on prilosec for acid reflux for friggin' YEARS.

Son of a BEEATCH!


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wow. You were on medication that had a negative impact on hair and didn't know it?

I am sure you are going to do some diggin here. Keep us up to date.


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SE-freak said:
wow. You were on medication that had a negative impact on hair and didn't know it?

I am sure you are going to do some diggin here. Keep us up to date.

Dig nothin'. I have to swing by Rite Aid tonight anyway - so I'm just gonna trade that friggin prilosec in for some Tagament. I think I tried Tagament when it first came out - and I recall it being pretty expensive. Prilosec's prescription - so I get a little break on that thanks to my insurance (which isn't as great as it once was - all the prescription costs are going through the roof) - but Dag . . . .


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Do you think that this could really hinder your progress?

how many years have you been on it?


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SE-freak said:
Do you think that this could really hinder your progress?

how many years have you been on it?

I've been taking prilosec, off and on, since 1998 maybe? (You'd think I woulda heard something about potential related hairloss issues before now. Good thing my sense of humor always manages to kick in during times of adversity :)

My hair started thinning many many moons before I developed acid reflux issues - so it's doubtful there's a hard-core connection. But I'm not taking any chances.

I've already had recommendations from some people in the know - to try and get off the meds all-together and make the switch to an oral shot of ACV - which is the natural acid reflux controller.

I guess I should finally break down and get a couple bottles of the stuff - since now I have TWO reasons to use it :)

For now though - I'm not taking any chances - I dumped my prilosec this morning and started on a daily dose of tagament - and will build the ACV into my routine when I can. The prilosec didn't work that great anyway - I still ended up popping a few TUMs during the course of the day.


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Damn. I just got put on Prilosec for 3 months. Now, my hairloss comes from way before then, but I'm wondering if it will do anything to increase it...time for some investigation...