Preventing Hairloss when younger?


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Hi everyone,

I am 20 years old and I haven't had problems with hairloss, but I am already noticing patterns and thining of hair at the back of my head ("monk hat") and at the sides of my front's. The hairloss is nothing too big but I am worried that it will develop more in future. Family patterns are werid, both my maternal and paternal grandfathers had hair loss at young age, but other males in family, like my dad, and my uncle (mother's brother) have good hair.

I was wondering if there anyone here can recommend me any strategies, products, etc that I can use now to prevent hairloss in future, or at least slow it. Thanks in advanced.


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A smart choice would be 1% Nizoral shampoo. You can find this at most drug stores in the US. Nizoral cleans removes sebum, which can cause hair loss from your scalp. It is also a mild anti-androgen which means it could stimulate a little bit of growth that way. You could use it once or twice a week. A good multivitamin like Centrum couldn't hurt either, although vitamins contribute to healthy hair but can't prevent hair loss by themselves.


Senior Member
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start nizoral when your young... it will prevent the horsehoe for years to come.
i wish i started alot earlier but i was in denial.


Experienced Member
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im 17, using nizoral 1% and minoxidil %5 2x since 4 months and still thinning..


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I dont know what you must do, because its a matter of money too, but when you have to know that gaining hair in the temples is almost impossible, so when you start to see the first signs in the frontal area start at least minoxidil right away. I wish I had done the same thing too..


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My advice would be to eat healthy and try to stay in good shape. A nutritional deficiency can and will lead to telogen effluvium, and if you are already showing minor signs of male pattern baldness, a telogen effluvium could put you over to top on your way to being legitimately bald. Eat your vitamins!