Penis growth and DHT


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I don't know if there is a growth plate like with bones. But we know that DHT levels peak during puberty when the penis grows. They just measure blood DHT concentrations, and learned that adding enough to the blood to get the same concentrations does not result in growth. I think what is in the blood is what leaked out of the penis cells, like with DHT produced in hair cells. So we need an even higher concentration in those cells. The solution is to slowly inject it into the penis down by the testicles over a 3 hour period with a small IV, preferably after a good pump session. Then you could get localized high concentrations, and not raise the blood concentrations too high. Just use RU on your head during the 6 months of penis growth.

Now where would we get the IV and safe salt water and DHT?


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Well, all the gains that I made with PE were elicited while on finasteride (1 mgxday). So I guess those high DHT levels you propose could help the process but I´m sure they are not a must for enlargement to happen.