Once a day minoxidil Users


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I've taken 1 mg finasteride for 14 months now and my hair has worsened. i've shed for 16 months now constantly and now shedding ridiculous loads of thin weak hair.

i'm gonna give minoxidil a go.. the thing is, when i started finasteride last year.. i took minoxidil for 15 days or so too, and i shed like mad.. no way am in a position to go through a bad minoxidil shed now.. would it be possible to avoid a shed if i take minoxidil once every night.. the 5% minoxidil version?..

and have any of you out here had any results? even maintenance using minoxidil once a day?


New Member
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I use about 1.5ml of minoxidil once a day all of my head I have never had a shed and I think it's probably almost just as good as 2 times a day.


Established Member
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your pretty much where im at. except i started minoxidil before you started.


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if you are not getting side effects from finasteride, I'd try a strip of 10 dutas from http://www.inhousepharmacy.com for $13.50 and see if that gives you side effects, and use 3x per week and stay on the finasteride incase the dutas is fake.

some people on here were loosing hair on just finasteride or just min and got results when combining them.

the good news 16 months is not long, so it is possible to regrow that if you have a strong regimen. Do you believe in SODs like CP's? They can be cheap even spread over your whole scalp if you get the right ones.