Okay Probably Last Post (for A While At Least). What The Hell Is This?

Cory twill

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Alright so in my last post I mentioned that I’ve given up the fight. I’m kicking the pills and I’ve just decided to start shaving it because I did finasteride for over a year and things got dramatically worse within that year then I hopped on dutasteride and after 3 weeks it gave me gyno so hopped off that as well. I was basically a Norwood 0 with very minimal left temple recession a year ago. Hopped on finasteride and nothing changed. No shed. Nothing. Just the same slow orderly progression. Then randomly 9 months into treatment the hair started rapidly thinning and shedding like crazy. Still I hung on for over a year. Now I’ve been shaving my head. When it’s really shaved all I can see is slight temporal recession but this is the longest I’ve grown it out in a few months and the monster has revealed itself. Again. It’s okay I’ve accepted shaving it. But...what the hell Is this? Dupa? Telogen Effluvium? Just regular diffuse thinning? There are signs of male pattern baldness at the temples too so it can’t just be diffuse. It just seems like an astronomical change in a single year. I had very minor temple thinning on the left side that slowly progressed for almost 3 years before I decided to hop on finasteride. And my hair was really thick and normal. I’d never experienced abnormal shedding or anything. Never even noticed shedding (nothing in the drain during shower. Nothing on the pillows in the morning) everything was completely normal except a tiny change in my juvenile hairline over my left temple. A year later and here we are. The only difference being the medication. I just don’t understand. There is some male pattern baldness in my family on my moms side. But it was traditional. One uncle is nw7 but didn’t really start showing until his 30’s. The other only thinned on the crown then it stopped. My brother has traditional male pattern baldness and is pretty far along and he’s almost 30. But he started showing signs in college. I’ve watched it slowly change over the past seven years going up on the temples on thinning on the crown now to about a Norwood V. My dad has a full head of hair and he’s 60. Both grandfathers had hair on their heads until the end. I’m a 26 year old dude and I look like this and a year ago I had really long thick hair. Look, again, it’s okay. It’s been a very rough year (for everyone) but I’m letting go. I don’t mind the shaved look and I’m just rocking with that and taking things a day at a time. But I just don’t get it. I don’t know what happened. This is totally abnormal for my genes. And an absurd one year progression. The only thing I can think of is I had a very weird reaction to the meds maybe. But even then finasteride didn’t have any adverse reaction until 9 months in. Yeah man it’s a mystery. I’m honestly astonished. But what are you gonna do. Was hoping to just shave it and revisit things in 6 or 7 years for a hair transplant. If that’s not an option that’s okay too. I’ll just keep shaving it and see how long that lasts. But yeah man I’m just kinda shocked.


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My Regimen
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Have you tried other cuts? Honestly I'm 2a, 3a, whatever, I would love to have solid, not spotty, hair on my temples, crown again. You look sort of fine in that pic, nothing drastic - remember that a mature hairline =/= mild balding, yet. You're growing, maybe it's just the style that needs to change.