Ok Another minoxidil / Propecia Question


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Ok, I know this question has been beaten to death..but my situation is a little different so if someone had some advice I would appreciate it...

I started minoxidil about 3 1/2 months ago and I've gotten *decent" results, I don't have my old thick, wavy hair back, but I definately seen good improvement (Interestingly enough, I have good results up front, but it almost seems like my crown has gotten slightly thinner, but still no bald spot)...Now my results are new, just about 3 weeks ago I didn't think it was working, so I ordered some generic proscar....

Question is: Should I start the proscar also? I know now that I can never get off the minoxidil (at least until there is a cure) but my goal is to really cut down on the minoxidil (I hate the way it makes my hair feel, and it's a hassle, plus the dandruff, and yes I`m using Nizoral 1%)...I'd like to cut down to just use once at night or maybe just 5-6X a week or so...Anyone have any advice? Should I not start the propecia just yet?

And I`m sure this has also been answered; But can I stop the propecia at anytime and not see accelerated balding? In other words, does the balding just "resume" from where it was hopefully halted? Or does it just go crazy and fall out like minoxidil?

Anyone have any advice on this? Also what are the thought about people that are dependent on minoxidil? Will we die using this stuff? If a new treatment or cure comes out (other than transplants) have we already ruined our chances of using it?
I wish I would have tried propecia in the first place...But the side effects scared me...


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One more thing..

One more ??....So if I`m going to cut down on minoxidil when should I start doing it? 6 months, 1 year?


Experienced Member
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get on finasteride, it's much easier... i hope i don't ever have to use minoxidil


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I'm of the opinion that everyone should be on propecia if they don't experience any sides. It protects the whole head, and thus areas where you're not applying minoxidil that are destined for future balding.

Problem with minoxidil is that once you've started, you really can't stop. Although after 1-2 years some say that you can go to once/day for maintenance.