offering help


New Member
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hi guys,
i'm in the same boat as pretty much evry1 else who visits this or similar discussion boards. starting to loose hair & but trying desparately to avoid or delay the inevitable.
i'm taking finpecia, generic finastride made by cipla cuz the real thing was just too expensive for me to afford, not to mention that i have some contacts in india which facilitated it.
as a service to fellow members i can get finpecia or fincar at very cheap rates compared to online pharmacies. let me make it very clear that i don't intend to do anything illegal & dangerous i.e supplying Rx drugs w/o written Rx nor do i wish to profit from it (some profit margin will be there for ppl. supplying them from india though).
i'm only thinking of helping you guys if i can. i'll only think of doing it if there is a +ve response from you guys.