Noticing Thinning In Hairline On One Side


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Ok, so my hairline went back about 5 years ago to a v shaped hairline, but hasn't changed since. Recently though, in the last week i've noticed a small area on the right hand side of my hairline that has thinned out, like to 10 - 20 individual thin strands of hair. I lifted the hair up and its like small triangle shape with an area of a little over a 1cm, the hair behind it and surrounding it is normal. It looks to me like the hairline is going to go back a little more on the right, but my hair is the same density as its always been elsewhere

I know most of the men in my family recede and then the balding seems to go dormant for awhile, i have older brothers in their 30s (i'm 26) who are probably a little past NW2 but have full coverage and my dad and uncles didn't thin out on top until their 40s

I know male pattern baldness can be unpredictable, but given the hairline generally doesn't seem to respond to treatments, would you just make peace with this development or would you start putting some rogaine on there. Or when it's already thinned to individual strands, is it too late anyway? I only recently started nizoral, other than that i'd been put off of finasteride and minoxidil which I read up on in detail when I originally noticed my recession years ago. Honestly, propecia scares me

Although I wasn't using treatments in the time between now and first noticing my recession, I have kept an eye on my hair by checking it every couple of months and taking photos for comparison, so I know this development is recent


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It can't hurt to use Minoxidil, probably won't help on it's own.

Since you're 26, and younger, the sooner you start, the sooner the miniature hairs will
regrow and strengthen.

You can make peace with balding later in life.