"Nocebo effect in Dermatology" Article about Nocebo and infamous example Finasteride


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I just found this Article about Nocebo effect in general and specially with Finasteride 1mg for Androgenetic Alopecia.

Abstract: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25900939

Full Article: http://www.ijdvl.com/article.asp?is...;issue=3;spage=242;epage=250;aulast=Sonthalia

While looking for studys about side effects on finasteride 1mg i came across this article published in may 2015 regarding the "nocebo effect" on drugs specially finasteride.
I myself did experience side effects just after 2 days of 1mg finasteride and quit after 3 days immediately. I had pain in my right breast and think my mood changed under the drug. Although i was very positive about starting the drug and fighting my hair loss i was very worried about side effects. I informed myself very good and read almost all studys of finasteride 1mg for Androgenetic Alopecia. So i went back to the Doctor who prescribed me the drug and talked about side effects and my breast pain. He examined my breast and said everything was fine and told me to give finasteride at least 1 month time to let the body adjust to the drug. So here i am again willing to start finasteride and try my luck again and try to ride out possible side effects with 0,5mg ED. I thought a lot about the power of my imagination and i hope this time it will work!

This article may also help others in there decision making. I would like to hear your opinions.


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I started fina (0.25) six days ago, i was worried too, read everything and was pretty sure i would crash my body but **** it i had to try to save my hairs with a real treatment. Well no sides at all, not a single one, dunno if this situation change in the next weeks but in the last months i noticed lots of common sides are not really related to fina, i had something similar to "brain fog" when i could not remember simple things like my keys or study properly, loss of libido, volume, balls pain etc etc, at this point i think people associate normal body behevior and stress with sides, just start slow with 0.25- or 0.5, if it works it will work anyway with his flat response

Keep in mind fina need 3-4 days before really lower your serum dht and months before make changes in your prostate, so most likely you never experienced a real side effect in this short amount of days