Nitric Oxide Production Upregulates Wnt/β-catenin Signaling By Inhibiting Dickkopf-1


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[h=1]Nitric Oxide Production Upregulates Wnt/β-catenin Signaling By Inhibiting Dickkopf-1[/h]
Nitric oxide signaling plays complex roles in carcinogenesis, in part due to incomplete mechanistic understanding. In this study, we investigated our discovery of an inverse correlation in the expression of the inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and the Wnt/β-catenin regulator Dickkopf-1 (DKK1) in human cancer. In human tumors and animal models, induced nitric oxide (NO) synthesis increased Wnt/β-catenin signaling by negatively regulating DKK1 gene expression. Human iNOS (hiNOS) and DKK1 gene expression were inversely correlated in primary human colon and breast cancers, and in intestinal adenomas from Min (Apcmin/+) mice. NO production by various routes was sufficient to decrease constitutive DKK1 expression, increasing Wnt/β-catenin signaling in colon and breast cancer cells and primary human hepatocytes, thereby activating the transcription of Wnt target genes. This effect could be reversed by RNAi-mediated silencing of iNOS or treatment with iNOS inhibitors, which restored DKK1 expression and its inhibitory effect on Wnt signaling. Taken together, our results identify a previously unrecognized mechanism through which the NO pathway promotes cancer by unleashing Wnt/β-catenin signaling. These findings further the evidence that NO promotes human cancer and deepens insights in the complex control Wnt/β-catenin signaling during carcinogenesis.


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MInoxidil inhibit DKK-1.


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I was joking about someone who said minoxidil giving him tinnitus on another forum. I thought it couldn't go further than that. How silly of me, cancer now of course!

Wrinkles => Tinnitus => Cancer. What's the next step? Sudden death?

Minoxidil is a Nitric oxide agonist. Not NO itself. relax max lol Overexpressed DKK-1 is as bad as well.


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Sorry I didn't understand the abstract, and seriously, who can? We're not doctors. As far as we know, this doesn't mean anything.

Cancer is pretty much mutation. It is a big cell cluster**** party. Everything can contributes to it. the abstract means that NO downregulates DKK-1. We all know that MInoxidil increase Nitric Oxide locally and DKK-1 is a bad boy in androgen Alopecia business.

[h=1]Dihydrotestosterone-inducible dickkopf 1 from balding dermal papilla cells causes apoptosis in follicular keratinocytes.[/h]Kwack MH, Sung YK, Chung EJ, Im SU, Ahn JS, Kim MK, Kim JC.
[h=3]Source[/h]Department of Immunology, School of Medicine, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea.

[h=3]Abstract[/h]Recent studies suggest that androgen-driven alteration to the autocrine and paracrine factors produced by scalp dermal papilla (DP) cells may be a key to androgen-potentiated balding. Here, we screened dihydrotestosterone (DHT)-regulated genes in balding DP cells and found that dickkopf 1 (DKK-1) is one of the most upregulated genes. DKK-1 messenger RNA is upregulated in 3-6 hours after 50-100 nM DHT treatment and ELISA showed that DKK-1 is secreted from DP cells in response to DHT. A co-culture system using outer root sheath (ORS) keratinocytes and DP cells showed that DHT inhibits the growth of ORS cells, and neutralizing antibody against DKK-1 significantly reversed the growth inhibition of ORS cells. Analysis of co-cultured ORS cells showed a significant increment of sub-G1 apoptotic cells in response to DHT. Also, recombinant human DKK-1 inhibited the growth of ORS cells and triggered apoptotic cell death. In addition, DHT-induced epithelial cell death in cultured hair follicles was reversed by neutralizing DKK-1 antibody. Moreover, immunoblotting showed that the DKK-1 level is up in the bald scalp compared with the haired scalp of patients with androgenetic alopecia. Altogether, our data strongly suggest that DHT-inducible DKK-1 is involved in DHT-driven balding.


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Too little DKK-1 --> cancer, bone overgrowth, joints fuse together.
Not a good idea to inhibit it completely, just to balance it out.