newbie seeks advice

Hair matters

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Hi guys, allow me, the humble newbie to seek advice.

First of all, pardon me if I might be abit hard to understand, English is not my first language. I am a bloody Asian :p from bloody Malaysia

What brought me here? no price for guessing, starting to have hair drop, quite visible when washing my hair, and having dandruff problems.

Questions -
1. Is dandruff related to hair loss? according to some expert theory, dandruff happens because the cells die faster, and blocks the hole that grows the hair, thus, hair drops faster than it grows.

eventually, the hole will be totally blocked and no more new hair will grow.

2. What is the best treatment to dandruff / hair loss? A Selsun anti dandruff shampoo can help both?

3. Will more frequent shampooing reduce hair loss? because it helps clean off dandruff?
I previously had the believe that shampoo's chemical is the thing that causes hair drops, therefore try to shampoo less.

4. Will unsuitable hair cream builds up dandruff because the oil covers the hole and can't breathe properly? and contributes to dandruff and hairloss?

I just paid a visit to a hair treatment centre 2 days ago(free treatment first time), and they treated my scalp with herbal medicine like ginseng and some other natural substance (smells awful, but it totally gets rid of the dandruff).

My specialist advice me on the following steps of treatment -
1. - first 10 treatments to clear off dandruff
2. - next 10 treatments to reopen up all the holes that was previously covered with dandruff / dirts
3. - final 10 treatments to strengthen the newly grown hair.

The specialist had shown me many pictures of before and after. And this hair care centre seems to have quite a good business.
The bloody thing that annoys me is that they are too money minded, forcing me to pay deposit at once, telling me if I dont do that, I will need to pay about 50% more expensive, it pisses me off. :shock: :shock:

Alright mates, ......tell me your view and suggestions, any word of advice for me?

p/s - apologize for my long winded post


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short post + clear questions = lots of answers


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1.) Having dandruff might cause more hairs to fall out but the main culprit is DHT.

2.) Most people on here use Nizoral shampoo. It is an anti-dandruff shampoo and contains ketoconazole which has been shown to reduce DHT in the scalp.

3.) Some people think excessive shampooing is a bad idea as hairs will fall out while you are washing your hair. Two or three times a week should be enough. You should only use anti-dandruff shampoos a couple of times a week anyway.

4.) Don't know.

You should be careful when visiting hairloss clinics as they might be ripping you off. Especially if they use tactics saying that it will be cheaper if you pay now. This is classic pressure salesmanship.


I have/had dandruff too, and it is/was one of the causes of my hairloss. But as biff said, the main thing causing hairloss, at least in my case, is DHT.

I don't tolerate chemical shampoos very well, so I use Fabao 2 in 1, chinese Herbal shampoo. Is the best shampoo I have ever tried, and believe me, I have tried a lot.


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biff said:
3.) Some people think excessive shampooing is a bad idea as hairs will fall out while you are washing your hair.

These hairs that are in the telogen stage will fall out sooner or later anyway, excessive shampoo does not lead to increased hair shedding.


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Hair matters said:
pardon me for asking, what is DHT? :)

If hair matters you should know.

(DHT stands for dihydrotestosterone, an androgen more potent than testosterone which binds to the receptors of the scalp susceptible follicles, leading to shortening of the anagen phase and eventually to miniaturization of the follicle. The hair keeps coming in finer and less pigmented, eventually becoming invisible to the eye)