New here -- Questions


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Hey all, I have a few questions:

1) I have Gilbert's Syndrome, which is a genetic and symptom-less (at least for me) condition that causes an abnormal increase in bilirubin levels. I would never know this if it didn't come up on blood test results regularly. Can I still use propecia safely? I have read warnings about potential liver problems.

2) Where is the best place to order Rogaine online? Around what should I pay?

3) Does Nizoral shampoo cause a shed at all if used on it's own?


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This sounds like a question you should ask a Dr., not a hiarloss forum.



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1. I have absolutely no idea, but if you send an email to merck or a propeca wholesaler they should get back to you, unless anyone here knows?

2. That depends what country your from... if America try thats $24 for 1 month supply or you can shop around and buy a generic minoxidil which is cheaper, there may be cheaper retailers in America but i'm not from there so i don't use them.

3. Nizoral can cause hairloss as a side effect but this is by no means a foregone conclusion

hope this helps, but if your your unsure of something go ahead and post another message. If your from the UK i can give you a good retailer.


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When you say Nizoral can cause hairloss as a side effect, is this temporary shedding or permanent?


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Petchsky said:

1. I have absolutely no idea, but if you send an email to merck or a propeca wholesaler they should get back to you, unless anyone here knows?

2. That depends what country your from... if America try thats $24 for 1 month supply or you can shop around and buy a generic minoxidil which is cheaper, there may be cheaper retailers in America but i'm not from there so i don't use them.

3. Nizoral can cause hairloss as a side effect but this is by no means a foregone conclusion

hope this helps, but if your your unsure of something go ahead and post another message. If your from the UK i can give you a good retailer.

Just out of curiosity, where did you hear that nizoral causes hairloss?

The Gardener

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I don't think Nizoral causes hairloss, but I do recall the warning label saying that it can cause shedding. I think you have to keep that warning in the proper context, remember that the label also says that Nizoral is really supposed to be a short term thing to help people stop the cycle of dandruff. And, many hairloss treatments cause shedding, and nizoral is probably no different.


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"Can" cause hairloss...

well, a long time ago when i was 15 i went to visit my Grandparents and ended up going for a hike with my Grandad and his two dogs. Now i didn't really know my Grandad that well, he was a hardworking man, worked six days a week down the pit repairing machinery. He was a very queit man and only ever really spoke to me to pass on pearls of wisdom, and you know the best advice he ever gave me? When your on the road driving always treat every other driver like a complete idiot, don't assume that they have any common sense, and you know, i have never crashed yet. Which leads me to how i know Nizoral can cause hairloss - It says on the peice of paper that comes in the box


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Petchsky said:
"Can" cause hairloss...

well, a long time ago when i was 15 i went to visit my Grandparents and ended up going for a hike with my Grandad and his two dogs. Now i didn't really know my Grandad that well, he was a hardworking man, worked six days a week down the pit repairing machinery. He was a very queit man and only ever really spoke to me to pass on pearls of wisdom, and you know the best advice he ever gave me? When your on the road driving always treat every other driver like a complete idiot, don't assume that they have any common sense, and you know, i have never crashed yet. Which leads me to how i know Nizoral can cause hairloss - It says on the peice of paper that comes in the box

You don't need to be a dick about it I just said "just out of curiosity". But I am glad to see you wasted all the time it took to write that not at all funny story.

Thank you for a cordial response Gardener. And I agree with you on it causing shedding rather than hair loss...loss is final...shedding is periodic. I guess its all in how you interpret the words "hair loss". Technically you are losing some hair...but its gonna grow back. Saying it causes hair loss sounds like its a proponet of male pattern baldness while the shedding may actually be a good sign. Whateva. :hairy:


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I'm sorry you didn't like my story, but its good advice no? It was not my intention to be a dick :oops: "Its says on the instructions" seemed like a really boring response so i hammed it up a bit.


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Petchsky said:
3. Nizoral can cause hairloss as a side effect but this is by no means a foregone conclusion
Petch - please be more careful in how you word things. Remember your audience is a bunch of most likely minimally educated freaking out alarmists that will read into everything you say, both literally and otherwise. Always qualify statements like the one above. Taken at face value without explanation, it could be called incorrect information, but with the necessary qualification (not included above) can sorta be kinda true.


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Over and out... in fact funny story, i was out walking with my Grandad once - Okay! only joking no more stories. I only answered that third question because as so happens i was looking at the Nizarol instructions and happend to read that it can cause hairloss, but i see your point. It can be taken out of context and scare someone off using a fine product.


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You're not a dick just sounded like you were a little condescending.

Furthermore, I agree with, thats why I asked you for clarification of how it causes hair loss...writing that without explaining it is gonna scare the bajesus out of some of the newer people to the product and hair loss in general.

Also, no Deaner I'm not touchy at all. And if I was it wouldn't have anything to do with hair loss. I just asked for clarification of a statement and then I must have seen his response in the wrong light. This goes back to #1 reason to hate the can't express things the way you can with tone of voice or expression.

In conclusion, milk does a body good.


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so does paint chips but i still eat those.