New Baldy Questions Rogaine / Nizoral


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I am a 27year old male. I am in the very early stages of male pattern baldness (as verified by a derm). I started Generic Rogaine almost exactly a month ago. The second week I experienced very heavy shedding, it seemed to slow down a bit, but I still notice quite a bit of shedding, especially in the shower. Is this normal? I thought it was only supposed to last two weeks. I don't have any scalp irritation or redness / itchyness, but I have noticed some GIANT dandruff flakes, and just more dandruff overall (Not sure if it's just dried minoxidil?). I am going to start using Nizoral.

Anyone have any suggestions? I don't want to use Propecia at this point in time.... Is it normal to still be shedding?


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taken right from the faq

Q: What can I do about the flaking I've noticed since I started using Minoxidil?

A: Occasionally people will notice flaking with minoxidil. This can be due to the minoxidil itself flaking off, or it can be contact dermatitis if it seems like bad dandruff or the scalp feels irritated. If your minoxidil also contains Retin-A, the flaking may be due to increased skin cell turnover induced by that agent. Nizoral shampoo often helps with flaking. If it's contact dermatitis, though, you may need to discontinue or lessen the frequency of minoxidil applications, or you can also use a minoxidil formula that uses glycerol instead of propylene glycol, which is usually the problem ingredient. Check with a compounding pharmacy or with If irritation persists when using minoxidil or any topical, it is probably best to discontinue usage.

I think that you're right about using Nizoral, and it will probobly clear you right up.

this is also quoted from the FAQ section on the main site:

" Note that the majority of people do not notice any increased shedding with various treatments. Increased shedding is most often a positive sign, but its absence is not a negative sign."

Since everyone is different, everyone will shed differently. It will vary by amount and by how long it lasts. At this point in time I don't think you have anything to worry about.