need advice on cutting regimen


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Ive been bulking up for the last few months and I have gained 4 kg,
some of it is fat and im starting to get a belly in addition to the muscle
so I decided it is time to lose some fat as the summer is almost here.
Im gonna give it 4 weeks as of today, and I want to keep gainning some muscle while losing fat, hopefully ill be able to lose around 1.5 kg of fat and gain 0.5 kg of muscle.
So I read up a few articles and i devised a cutting regimen, here it is

monday wendsday friday saturday(none workout days):
5 meals a day : 30-40g protein + 25g complex carbs each meal except the last one which will be without carbs
2 X 20 minuts cardio sessions + 30-45 minuts walking the dog before sleep

sunday tuesday thursday (workout days) : same thing with the meals except of the pre workout meal which will be bigger and the post workout meal which will be an all i can eat meal.
1 X 25 minuts cardio session + 15 minuts walking the dog before sleep.

As for fat : I only take good fats, I will not monitor the exact amount but ill try to get as much as I need.

As for simple suger : I will only get some from fruits and not too much, more around workout time.

As for water: I will try to drink 4 liters a day .

I also have glutamine arginine and creatine,I think ill lay off the creatin for a while because it really dries me up.

Please tell me what you think of my cutting regimen and what more can i do/ change to improve it.


Senior Member
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make sure when you cut that you spend equal time working each muscle group and fiber type. Just using your legs does burn calories faster, but at the expense of losing ab muscle and other muscle. It is true that some people have great abs under their fat, and need to lose it before they are visible. But when they jog it off, the abs shrink and never look ripped.
Slow twitch muscle does recover faster and can burn a lot of calories, but don't neglect your fast twitch when you cut.