Nearly 8 Months Of Aggressive Regimen, No Shed Yet. Should I Be Worried?


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OK, last August when I began this journey, I was losing probably 150-200 hairs daily. My shower drain would clog up quickly, needed frequently cleaned out of big wads of hair. I started minoxidil and nizoral right away. Then in September I began taking HRT (spironolactone, estradiol, and finasteride, switched to dutasteride by November and also added topical Oestrogel too). In December, I added stemoxydine to my topical rotation, and last month also added topical Progestelle oil.

Now, I've seen significant regrowth and reduction of shedding. For a while it had dropped to about 20 strands each time I washed my hair. Then dropped even lower. This morning I only counted 6 strands lost.

A lot of the stories here on these forums suggest that a "big shed" is normal around 6-8 months as a lot of follicles get their growth cycles synchronized by regrowth treatments especially involving large doses of minoxidil.

Should I be worried that a big shed is around the corner for me? My hair feels thicker and stronger than it has in years, my ponytail is almost down to the bottom of my shoulder blades now when before it would barely reach the top of my shouders before frizzing out so bad I'd periodically have to cut a couple inches off to get rid of the thin, frizzed split ends.

So, am I about to expect a big shed soon? Or is my full trans HRT plus topical smorgasbord of treatments likely to spare me of that heartbreak?


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I've never been conscious of a "shedding phase" with any of the treatments I've been on

I would wager a guess that a lot of the reports are anecdotal paranoia