My topical regimen, need some advise


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I have purchase the rev, spironolactone 5%, and tricomin to try to fight the male pattern baldness.
but I have some question apply those three products.
I will apply the spironolactone and tricomin twice a day and rev at night, but the problem is I usually went home at 9:00 at night. Sometimes at 11:00, therefore is kinda hard to manage the time to apply all this topical at night.
Here my question:
1) how long would it be wait until apply the once and other topical?
2) my step is first apply the tricomin after it dry then I apply the spironolactone 5%, and wait for maybe 1 and 1 and a half hour to apply rev.
3) will it be compromise to each other if I apply with the process on question 2?
P.S I want to use the emu oil too, but it seen I don't have much time to use all those at night.
I am sorry for asking sooo many question in here, I hope the experience topical user can give me some advise.


Established Member
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Im also using these 3 products - in my opinion (having used these products together for 6 months ) all three at night is a bit much but if I was going to this is what I would do

apply Tricomin wait 20 mins
then add rev and wait at least 2 hours
apply spironolactone last

I think its better to use Tricomin on its own in the morning (post shower for better absorption) and leave two topicals at night

On the nights you know you are going to be late home you could apply the spironolactone in the morning at least that way you get one application per day


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lithebod said:
Im also using these 3 products - in my opinion (having used these products together for 6 months ) all three at night is a bit much but if I was going to this is what I would do

apply Tricomin wait 20 mins
then add rev and wait at least 2 hours
apply spironolactone last

I think its better to use Tricomin on its own in the morning (post shower for better absorption) and leave two topicals at night

On the nights you know you are going to be late home you could apply the spironolactone in the morning at least that way you get one application per day

Oh,..should I leave the rev before bed? cause it said have to leave in on the scalp as long as it can.
so the step is trcomin>rev>sprio at nigth?
should I go for trcomin>spironolactone>rev?
which one is better?
by the way, how is your treatment go???good or bad?
anyone else have advise???pls pls give me more ..


Senior Member
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You could try subsituting your tricomin for the tricomin shampoo. I use it and I dont know if its helping hairloss but it definatly thinkens up your hair and make it healthier. This would mean you could use your tricomin shampoo when you shower, the after apply your rev wait for this to dry and then apply your minoxidil.


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trentender said:
You could try subsituting your tricomin for the tricomin shampoo. I use it and I dont know if its helping hairloss but it definatly thinkens up your hair and make it healthier. This would mean you could use your tricomin shampoo when you shower, the after apply your rev wait for this to dry and then apply your minoxidil.

But I didnt put the minoxidil in my list yet,
what i am consider about is the compromise to each other if leave it so close to each other.

anyone else?