My story


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First of all, my apologies for the wall of text that is about to follow, but I really want to tell my story...

I’ve only just started becoming concerned with my hair in the last 2 months. Before then, I had believed that baldness was only from the mother’s side, so I didn’t bother thinking about it at all. My mother’s side doesn’t have a predisposition to baldness apart from 1 uncle, and my father was the only one on his side that lost his hair, who from photos, would have been between a NW5 and a NW6. Additionally, my hairloss has been minimal/not casually noticeable, and I had close to a juvenile hairline up until the last 4 years (I’m 33).

It wasn’t until I recently heard that baldness can be inherited from the father’s side that I started to panic. My immediate response was to register for a free consultation with Advanced Hair Studio, in which upon inspection I was told that I had hairloss on my temples and also “a little bit at the backâ€. He then proceeded to use an aggressive sales approach to try and sign me up right there and then for a treatment package, consisting of a laser treatment, and some of their brandname chemical/herbal treatments, one of which being Minoxidil, all for the “discounted†price of $2,500, with the promise that I could have a full head of hair once again given that I was in the “early stagesâ€. While I was in no position to pay for that anyway, I was completely put off by this approach, given that the salesman was simply that, and had no medical qualifications to back up his guarantees.

I then decided to go see my doctor about it, in which he referred me to a dermatologist who specialised in hair to get a credible opinion. 2 weeks later, I attended my appointment and met the dermatologist. He asked me a few questions, regarding my family history and when I noticed I was losing hair (I said about a month ago, but in retrospect I’d say I first started losing around the age of 24-25). He then inspected my scalp, then proceeded to tell me the news that “Yeah, you’ve got male pattern baldness. Sorry!†(exact quote). He said that due to the thinning that he’s noticed, and because my father had it, that it’s highly likely I’m going in his direction. He told me that I’m about a NW2, and says that I could potentially be a NW6. He then gave me a philosophical lecture that we’ve all got strengths and weaknesses, and that “it’s just hair†(he himself does not suffer this condition). He did give me a silver lining, in that my baldness is “non-aggressiveâ€, and said I’ll most likely be in my mid to late 40’s when the general population would consider me “baldâ€, and that there is still a chance he could be wrong, and I may not lose much more than this. He didn’t recommend that I use Minoxidil, describing it as a “chemical wigâ€, and the resulting depression when they stop using it. He gave me a script for Propecia/Finasteride after explaining the side effects, and made an appointment to see me again in 6 months.

I bought a batch of Propecia on the way home from the appointment, and took a 1mg pill when I got home. The side effects of reduced sexual function hit me almost immediately; I still have sex drive, but my erections are much softer, as well as reduced, watery semen when I ejaculate(apologies for being graphic). More disturbingly, I became suicidal later that night, sitting on my bed in tears thinking about nothing but throwing myself out the window. After googling for a bit about Finasteride’s side effects, I found this forum (and a few others) saying that reduced doses are just as effective as the full 1mg. I decided to try 0.25mg to 0.5mg every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday since(1/4 – ½ pill), and can report I haven’t had suicidal thoughts on these amounts. While this goes against the 1mg daily my dermatologist recommended, I think this is the better alternative. I’m not sure, but I think that my strength levels are being affected in the weight room a little bit because of this drug; I have also not been sleeping well lately and have been a bit sick, so that may be the reason for it.

I’ve also started using Nizoral 2% shampoo most nights if not every night, in combination with a zinc based conditioner, and have noticed that my hair is looking much thicker as a result. Additionally, I’ve had dandruff for pretty much my entire adult life, which has pretty much been stopped in its tracks (I wish I had started using this years ago). As futile as it probably sounds, I’ve started putting coconut oil in my hair and brushing it a good number of times every night, based on anecdotal evidence; I figure that I have nothing to lose to at least try it.

Here are some photos of my head (Yeah, the room’s a mess, I know):

Unless you have a close look, you can’t really see if I’ve lost much hair at all; people still mistaken me for being 22-27, I believe in part due to my hair. My temples have receded slightly, with more thinning on the left side (especially when I pull it up in parts) and there is a “dot†on my temple, which I think I have had since I was a child, although it looks like there are a few thin hairs appearing nearby (I’ve been unable find photos of the back of my head from that time). I had always kept my hair very short my whole adult life, cutting short on top and #1 clipper around the back and sides, which could be why I didn’t notice any hair loss over the years, as well as avoiding having my photo taken apart from renewing my driver’s licence and passport (A fact which I now regret being older). It’s only now that I’m aware I’ve lost hair that I’m growing it out. In fact, this is the longest it’s been in years.

From looking at photos and what I remember, my hair profile resembles more my mother’s side than my father’s, as when he was my age, his crowns were completely gone, and the middle part at the front had thinned considerably. He had black hair that he kept long, most likely to hide his bald spots. There is no red hair on my father’s side, but there is on my mother’s. In fact, one of my uncles on that side also had red hair, and has kept most of it from what I gather. With any luck, I may have dodged the bullet, but I’d still like insurance against it if it turns out I haven’t.

I’m realistic that I probably won’t get back the hair that I’ve lost, but I’d be happy to keep what I’ve got. I will say that if I start getting really serious sides, such as gyno, I’ll probably end up stopping Finasteride. The next year will determine whether or not I intend to keep up with the medication, or decide to tempt face and see how bad my hair will get.

If you managed to read all of this, thanks! I’ll post any new developments if they happen.