My Rogaine Foam experience


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I have been on Rogaine Foam for approximately 3 months. I have thinning on my crown but it is not massively noticeable as yet the way i style my hair.

So far there has been no noticeable difference in my hair growth (in the crown which is the only spot i apply it) since i am on the foam although i dont think that I had a shed either (I lose hair when i shower, rub the foam in but probably only 5-10 each time).

I am wondering whether or not i am a non responder to minoxidil foam or should i wait for 6-12 months before making a decision to continue it?


Senior Member
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definitely wait yeah. the first three months would just have been a waste otherwise.


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You sound like you have hair similar to mine.

I've been maintaing on the Big 3 for over 4 years now and started using Foam a month or so ago.

You want to give it at the very least 6 months. Preferably a year. Also get on finasteride if you are not already, because while I'm not a great responder to minoxidil (liquid anyway), the finasteride has maintained my hair throughout.
