My hair system looks wiggy as soon as it gets greasy.


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Although ultimately a light density would look more real for me. Which I will get eventually.

What I find with my current hair system which is medium light density.

It looks great after washing and styling it.
Such as in the 2nd pic.

But quite wiggy and noticeable as a hair system when it goes greasy.

What can be done to reduce the greasy wiggy look?
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Do hair systems get greasy? In my experience, they don't get greasy and lank like bio hair, as no oils or residue from the scalp get into it in the way they do with bio hair, meaning we can wash them less than we do with bio hair. But in your case, if your system is looking less than good if you go without washing it for a while, you'll just have to wash it more frequently, at least with water. If you wash with shampoo often it can cause more colour fading, so you can use a colour depositing conditioner to counteract that. I don't know what else to suggest. Perhaps trying some different leave in conditioners or gentle styling products will help too.


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I don't think the photos you've chosen illustate any contrast in the condition of the hair, unfortunately. One is close up and the other is far away. The hair doesn't really look greasy in the first pic, but it looks a little tangled, so conditioning could help with that.

But I see room for improvement here apart from dropping the density. If you're open to constructive criticism I think the issue with your current system and style is that it exposes the full extent of your temple recession but covers the hairline completely- which makes it look like your hairline is unnaturally high, somewhere between the frontal region and the vertex of your head. Or at best it's very unclear where your hairline sits.

I think a style that conceals your temporal area would look a lot more structured. This kind of style has a similar vibe but would hide your temple recession and connect your hairline:

It's not important that you expose the hairline much or at all, but parting it in a way that you're covering the temporal area would go a long way.

Or if you want to keep the keep same heavy side swept fringe, redesigning your template to incorporate temple flaps and adjusting the position of the hairline accordingly would go a long way.


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I don't like that other style at all.

That's understandable.

I don't want an exposed hairline as I'm more than happy with the side swept fringe style

The most important thing is def that you're happy with it. I'm not suggesting you expose the hairline, but I think the way you have it currently lacks a defined underlying structure and it's hard to discern where the hairline is even supposed to be. The fringe needs to be anchored more by the *suggestion* of a hairline, is what I'm saying.

The pic you've posted now gives a little more indication of where the hairline "goes", iykwim. That's why it looks better, it has little to do with the length of the sides IMO.

Something as minor as moving the part over slightly would go a long way...

Plus that would be extra work with glues and added anxiety exposed like that.

That's true.

Temple flaps will probably make it even more tricky/expensive to customise.

I'm not a big fan of temple flaps in general tbh, I don't think they look very natural because the hair used is too coarse and the hair tends not to be angled the way it should.

Perhaps a better option would be to have the stylist creaye some shorter layers and add texture to the angular fringe, obscuring the temporal area. Like so:


Should I use leave in conditioner daily?

I don't, lots of people swear by it. I find it creates a lot of build up and accellerates color fading. I prefer not to use any leave in product. All i do is treat it with Olaplex #3 occasionally, which is an expensive product. I'm a pretty hardcore minimalist when it comes to products, though. You should probably try to and see if you like the effect.

What you SHOULD do, if you can stand to... With a style like yours, when you wash or condition ***let it drip dry***. Certaintly whenever you detatch the piece... Condition, rinse, get it really soaking wet and leave it to drip dry for hours :)

If it was light density, an even closer fade might be possible without the top looking like a hair system?

You should be able to cut the sides as close as you want regardless, as long as you have a good blend.

I hope that's everything, sorry if i missed something.


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You mention hiding your huge forehead in this thread.

Did it not occur to you that you can determine your hairline when wearing a toupee?