My Hair Situation (pic) And My Consultation With Washington Medical Hair Clinics. Questions.


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Male. 30.

I went to Washington Medical Hair Clinics in Rockville, Maryland, and met with somebody called Patrick Reynolds. His business card doesn't indicate Dr or MD. Just Patrick Reynolds. I can't find any information about him online. None of the doctors are listed on the website.

They have an Artas. Quoted $5500 for 1100 grafts.

my hairline:

I'd like to have this lowered a little bit. Reynolds agreed that only a very subtle change would be good for me. He was polite and very professional.

Thoughts? Why can't I find any reviews about this doctor? Can somebody else recommend another hair transplant facility in the Maryland area?

I'm guessing since they have an Artas, they must be good. Right? :O


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Did you ever get the work done? If so, how did it turn out.
