My first SERIOUS shed..... but regrowth on the temples!


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So its nearly been 3 months on Propecia, and a few days ago I noticed I was experiencing a severe shed. Not just a few hairs falling here and there - but my hands were almost covered in hairs when I was shampooing and pillow was covered in the morning. Now I know sheds are to be expected when taking finasteride but there still scary as hell!
Whats really odd is Ive got regrowth on my temples! Nothing serious, just a patch of vellous hairs which are starting to darken, about the size of a coin (£1 coin for the brits) on each temple.
What the hell is going on?? Im shedding from my vertex like crazy, but Ive got maintainence and a little regrowth on the temples! Just when you think your starting to understand hairloss something like this happens and you realise how unpredictable male pattern baldness really is.
P.S Im obviously going to stick my regeime out!