My experience with Minoxidil after 3 months..


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I have been using minoxidil for almost 3 months. After about a week after i started my minoxidil regimen (1ml per day) my scalp started to each on constatnt basis. On the second week decided to go into my bath tube and kind of comb my hair. Withing a minute the tube had more then 100 hairs(i counted untill then stopped) After this day everyday untill the last day i was doing this '' tube counting'' After the third week the amount of hairloss in the tube decresed to 60 hairs and was so for the last 2+months.
When i started the use of minoxidil my hairloss was mostly in my hairline but other hair was relatively full. Right now my hairline loook a lot worse because the density of hair is low as never. Moreover my hairloos looks like a duffuse type from crown to the front.
I dont want to discourage anyone. But please be aware that if minoxidil is hepfull for someone that does not mean that it will be helpfull for you as well. Moreover, there should be reasonable time lenght where you going to loose your hair while on minoxidil so don't wait untill the point after which you will regret. I've been waiting untill the end of "normal minoxidil shed " for almost 3 months and ended up looking worse then ever. I am not a professional doctor or something. My thought are only based on my personal experience. I wish everyone good luck in their fight with hairloss.


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ive been on rogane 5% about 3 weeks now and my density has decreased all over, ive been shedding hair like anything
wot should i do


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this my own very personal point of view on the entire thing with hair.

i have already lost it...its just that i can still see it..but if i do nothing it will fall off.

so im gonna stick on full year out no matter what sides and no shed will stop me from the full year..because its my only shot.

you cant lose if you have already can only win.
but only if you dont give up.


Senior Member
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depends where you live and if you got it online. walmart asked me if I wanted 2%, but I asked for 1%. Who knows if they would have asked for a prescription, but I want the 1% for less drying and equal results and lower price.