My Diagnoisis from Hair specialist


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Hi everyone, i am 21, i have been noticing my hair thinning all over thetop of my scalp but mostly right in the front, i have a great hair line but i have noticed it diffusing in the last 3 months....So i went to a hair specialist at UCLA and he looked at it with these weird glasses all through my scalp for about 3 mins and told me i have Telogen Effluvium...which i thought i might since i have been in heavy anxiety depression and stress for the last year! MY QUESTION TO ALL OF YOU IS DO YOU THINK I SHOULD GET ANOTHER OPINION BECAUSE I DONT WANT TO PUT OFF TREATMENT AND HAVE IT GET WORSE...OR SHOULD I TRUST THE Doctor AND NOT DO ANYTHING???? PLEASE HELP THANKYOU


I would get a second opinion to help give you piece of mind. Better safe than sorry especially w/ sh*t like this
Key is to look for the male pattern baldness pattern that forms during blading, Look at all the norwood scales to give you good examples if patterns on your head follow normal male pattern baldness patterns.