My Balding Story (optinal To Read) But I Really Am Looking For Help


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Hello everyone. This is a very desperate claim for help.
I started balding receeding at 19 and balding at 20. My father, who is bald and granted me this genetic curse, had been going to a hair transplant specialist. As I was beginning to bald, I went there and started a treatment. By the way, when I went there, they had some machine which zooms your hair and mine was evidently thinning, it was a depressing view.
This treatment consisted in a shampoo, pills, and a minoxidil lotion (this minoxidil lotion has got some vitamins and even finastiride).
I was veryyy constant on my treatment, and there were amazing results. I started living my life, happily again, until sides started to show. I began to lose my morning woods and I had embarrasing moments with a girl due to sudden erection lose/gains. As my father is now impotent due to propecia, and he is even sterile, I decided to change my minoxidil lotion to a standard one which has not finasteride. When I made the change nothing evident happened. Soon I started regaining my morning woods and stabilized sexually, but my progress was lost and I'm on the edge right now, literally having depressive thoughts.

I'm just desperate for help, I'm too fking young to be living this hell, and I feel like the only way of conserving your hair is giving away your sexuality and potentally becoming sterile like my father did.

So, if anyone has some valid advice, I'm willing to do anything but propecia, or finasteride because I do want to have children and a normal sexual life. If this is impossible I actually don't know what to do with my life.
i'll try everything, just help me... please


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I understand not wanting to resume Finasteride given your adverse reaction to it. I fortunately haven't gotten any sides in the almost 1 year I've been taking it, but me personally I would still choose hair over a functioning dick. Don't take this the wrong way, but as a fellow balding man you need to think about the ethics of passing down your sh*t hair genes to your son. Do you really want him to go through the same hell you're going through?

As for alternatives, you may want to try RU-58841 which is a topical anti-androgen that doesn't have the sexual side effects of Finasteride. However it hasn't been properly tested on a large enough sample size, so its long term health effects are still unknown. Then you've got Spironolactone, which is sold on this site in topical form. People have had varying success with it.

In the meantime, stick to Minoxidil and your shampoo (I'm assuming it contains Ketoconazole?).