My Bad Experience - As Honest As Possible!


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I tried Avodart and actually noticed hair starting to grow back on one of my temples after several months, but I discontinued its use for the following reasons. At first, it actually had a positive effect, I was more focused and there was no sexual side effects. Then as time progressed I noticed that my interest in sex was diminshing and although I had no problems in activating the equipment, the amount of ejaculate was way down and more difficult and my refractory period was way longer than usual. Also, I felt towards the end I was listless and disaffected in general about sex. I perservered as the Doctor said that this would and should clear up over time. The biggest problem, however, was that I continually felt like my testicles were being strangled. I wondered if this was the effect that the drug was actually having on my prostrate? Whatever the reason, it was too much with the other side effects, and after 6 months I endured for the sake of the hair, but then I quit. whats the point of having the hair, if I had no more interest in shagging!?! Anyway, I'm not trying to talk anyone out of using this, I know my body is very succeptible to medicine and my chem reactions to things are much more accentuated than others. Just wanted to share my experience, since I've asked many questions in other groups here.


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well just like anything. people react differntly.

glad that your sharing your experience though. are you going to try another route of DHT blocking like finasteride?


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I had a similar experience, but with side effects (and less growth) on propecia - I'm currently contemplating a transplant and welcome advice on it and started a thread over in that section