My 4 months update

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I do not have the same hair cut since I started my regimen, I am not too sure if my progress is going well or bad. Since about 2 weeks ago, I started getting sheds. For first 3 1/2 months, I was only losing minimum number of hair, but these days, I lose about 30 hairs in the shower (thin and thick mixed) I was scared at first, but I believe this has to be a 4 month finasteride shed. (I read it from FAQ) I was not too deligent with minoxidil application. It irritates the hell out of me, and most of all, very very heavy flakes. With nizoral, t-gel, aloe-vera, it is still bad. Now my minoxidil application is down to every other night from every night. I plan to drop it all. (hopefully this doesn't do too much damage to my hairline. Right now I am somewhat like norwood 1-1.5, so it's not too bad.) I guess I can start back on minoxidil when my hairline starts to go bad.

Overall, I hope to maintain and thicken whatever I have now, and hopefully flakes go away once I completely stop minoxidil applications.

I know dropping minoxidil is bad.. I don't think it grew or maintained any hair for last 4 months, so I think dropping would be a disaster. Any comments?


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If minoxidil irritates you that much, then dropping it is the right thing to do. If you try it again in the future you will probably encounter the same thing; I'd explore other options instead. However, you may want to check out PPG free minoxidil, as many people who have adverse reactions to minoxidil are actually reacting to the PPG.
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flux said:
If minoxidil irritates you that much, then dropping it is the right thing to do. If you try it again in the future you will probably encounter the same thing; I'd explore other options instead. However, you may want to check out PPG free minoxidil, as many people who have adverse reactions to minoxidil are actually reacting to the PPG.
Thank you for your kind advise flux. I don't think I am desperate for regrowth at this moment, so I guess saving minoxidil for later is a better option for me. When I restarted, I will try PPG free minoxidil like you advised.


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Hold on a second there! That was good advice that you were given, but I believe I read somewhere that 2% minoxidil is still on the shelves primarily because some people do indeed experience irritation from the 5% solution. So before you drop rogaine 5% completely, suggest you "back track" using 2%. In other words, if you use 5% twice a day, try using it once a day, and 2% once a day. Do this for a few weeks. Then if that still doesn't work, try 2% twice a day, or just 5% once a day. I don't know what combos would be the best, except to say taht 2% is good for "maintenance", while 5% is better for actual regrowth.

Also, guys came on this site with success, and added they use Nizoral Shampoo not every 3 but every other day, and some even use it every day. nizoral, TSal and TGel are supposed to help. Bruce will tell you TSal helps really get the flakes off your head, and then you can use a follow-up after that. Shampooing is important.

I, myself, spend 15 f'in minutes in the shower, applying shampoo and letting it sit for 4-5 min, then doing it again, and then follow up with Nano (unless I use Nizoral- I heard you aren't supposed to follow that up with anything).

And check out folligen threads. People say that puts their scalp into good shape/condition.

Try different combinations, and give each one a few weeks to take effect. Might take time. But remember that the big 3, minoxidil, finast, and nizoral or other shampoo, are highly recommended together against male pattern baldness.

Good luck bud.