more eye brow hair (pic included)


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ive responded well to propecia (i think), i am 21 and only noticed my temples going about 2 years ago... although my hair loss has been quite rapid... i would say im a norwood 2.. maybe lilttle bit 3

ive had a lot of unexpected growth at the sides of my head where they had disappeared.. didnt evenr really thinking about them

however my eye brows have got thicker which isnt a problem but they have extended in growth


they have started to grow a bit above the eye brows and extended them down the side, ive put arrows on
doesnt seem like much on the pic due to it not coming out too well

why do you think this is? a newsgroup said increased testosterone
the growth on my sides is starting to expand with subtle hairs... i think the new eye brow hair and this might link in a subtle way, not sure though

some of my friends who arent on propecia (they are quite hairy) have similar growth abovee their eye brows ... its just mine seems new
could it be that the hair there was very subtle before so i never noticed it and propecia has encouraged growth? or is there a problem...

thank you


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I advise you to invest in one of these: ... /ref=nosim

Ignore the fact that it's pink and get it used. It makes light work of eyebrows and even comes with a guard to make your eyebrows all one length.

Everyone should have one :)

The alternative is to come off the meds and go bald. I'd say that taking a couple of minutes out now and again to sort your eyebrows out is a better plan :wink:


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:lol: true
its not that i have eye brow hair there
i dont care about them being there as like you said just get rid of them

its just that its a bit weird that they have started growing there
more have grown since posting this post at quite a rapid rate
as i thought eyebrow hair takes a while to grow

which is why im a little bit concerned


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Eyebrows are close to the head, so may also be sensitive to DHT...?

My eyebrows are also growing strangely, the minoxidil I put on my temples doesn't help I'm sure... something I'm happy to live with though... I just use my trimmer and it's sorted.

I just hope I don't go impotent/grow tits, as long as that doesn't happen I'll ride it out :lol:


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how old are you?
also do you know where i can buy foam in the uk?



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I'm 26 mate.

I get all my minoxidil off ebay from the US, it's very cheap that way.

UK prices are insane on this stuff! :shock:


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ah cheers

i am considering a switch for a year or two.. then use both
but more investigation is needed first i think


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I wouldn't come off Propecia without very good reason, i.e., unacceptable side effects...

Once you lose the hair you've saved with it, you won't get it back without a fight... think carefully mate :)


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ive had no sides really... since switched to 0.5g my sex drive has gone through the roof
just the eyebrow thing which made me start thinking
as my facial hair growth isnt complete i started to get worried (classic send yourself into one bollocks)

but ive noticed ive shed a lot of hair recently
ive got lots of new little hairs from propecia but its hasnt maintained... i guess in theory new hairs coming in
think the recent shed may be me being lazy with my diet and stuff
i guess if i switched now i would have nothing to maintain
so choice between beard and hair on my head... well... silly question