Minoxidil 5% Ok for Frontal Hair Loss?


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In the instructions, it says that the minoxidil 5% should only be used for vertex balding and not for frontal hairloss since there isnt any concurrant proof that it does anything.

Is it still ok to use it for that area of the head? Or will it make all of my hair wither and die a painful death? :p

The only thing that has receaded with my hair is the frontal hairline. I dont have a bald spot yet.


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Yes it works for your hairline, they only tested it on the vertex thats why they say that, but yes it does work in the front


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I'm curious as to why they wouldn't also test for the frontal area?

Surely, many potential customers would naturally assume the minoxidil guidlines to be correct, therefore losing minoxidil the market of the misinformed.

Until I found this forum, I had given minoxidil no regard whatsoever due to it's claim of frontal inefficiency.

Will be posting "my story" as soon as I can find a camera by the way :)
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it works on the frontal hairline as well. However, the percentage success rate on which it worked was not significant enough to be able to put that on the package. Basically, it works on the hairline, just not as well and not in as many people.


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I think minoxidil alone, even the higher strengths, is not enough to get significant regrowth on the hairline, especially the temples. I tried it for two years and only got peachfuzz in the temples. The temples are the first to go in most cases, which means they are probably extremely sensitive to DHT. I've been using finasteride for 4 mos now and I see better regrowth than with minoxidil. I've recently added minoxidil back into the mix. We'll see if I can get these fine hairs to grow out.
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I agree with you on some parts of that and not on others. First, minoxodil alone has been shown to promote full regrowth on the hairline and temples, just not in as many cases and not as well as at the vertex. However, combining finasteride and minoxodil definitely has a much better chance at sucess.


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I've been using for minoxidil for almost 2 months now and so far I'm very pleased with the results. On my temples and hairline where it was slick bald I was only able to get peach fuzz hair, but 2 months ago I had huge thinning spots above my temples (you could see that it was the beginnings of the "island" formation) but now those areas thickened up pretty good. I'm praying that the same will happen to the peach fuzz on temples and hairline too.

And I too don't think it's wise for minoxidil boxes to state that it should only be used for hairloss on the vertex. The first time I read the box, I decided I shouldn't buy it b/c my hairloss has only been localized to the frontal area. It wasn't till after I went on these boards and read that it actually does work for the front that I decided to buy it.....


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Hey Kalbo,
seems like you have a great hairline reaction to minoxidil. How much do you apply? and how many times a day?
Thanks, I just started minoxidil on the front and it's good to hear some success stories. Just one more thing, I'm actually worried that I DON'T have a shed, 10 days into using minoxidil. Actually i feel that i shed a lot less than before :hairy: , which is of course fine but Does it mean minoxidil would be useless for my regrowth?


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well I wouldn't say my hairline reaction to minoxidil has been "great".... I didn't grow any thick hairs on my temples or below the hairline, but it did thicken up the thinning spots I had in the front though.

I apply it twice a day and I only use about 1/3ml each time I do it.

And you gotta wait more than just 10 days before u start shedding. I think most ppl have their shed around the 3-4 week mark.... I'm not sure if you NEED to shed in order for it to work.... maybe someone else knows the answer to that.


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My hairline filled in well from minoxidil but also Propecia. I've got a widow's peak again!


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My hairline has greatly improved with minoxidil usage, just try it and see if it works for you.

It is easier to test the vertex of the scalp in clinical trials, less product = less costs. Also has been shown that temporal thinning is the hardest to regain.