Mature Hairline?


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I'm trouble with this term people use sometimes. Is there such a thing? can you lose your hair to a certain extent, and then have it stop?

I started wondering about this while I was zapping and came across 7th heaven (no, I'm not into conservatism or religion at all) and noticed David Gallagher's (Simon) hairline. The guy is barely 20 from what I've gathered, yet his temples are completely gone. I suppose you could say he's norwood 1.5 atleast. Yet, something about it looks natural, and looks like he's not losing hair. So, can anyone enlighten me about the "mature hairline" term?

And yes, I thrive on taking celebrities as examples, since I have access to their backgrounds, hehe.


Yes, male pattern baldness is a funny thing. You can start to lose hair and then it stops, or slows right down until the day you die. Then there is the male pattern baldness that is so sever you lose the lot.


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I was so sure someone would pop out that remark wino :p
Seriously, no, waaayyy too cheesy for me. I do however watch Everwood every week, I admit it, aswell as CSI..but all that's off topic.

Ty for your answer Traxdata. Which makes me wonder, am I like my father, or like one of my 4 maternal uncles. Arg.
Knowing my situation has barely evolved in 2 years, my temples must've gone out before that, so between 18 and 20. There might be hope :roll:


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I'm 32 and have just about the same hairline as ten years ago. I think finasteride has a part in that, though.

Seems like most of my loss happened between the ages of 20 and 22.


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Speaking of this...

It was on another post but did anyone see Mathew McConaaughey's hair on the when he was arrested. In the mugshot ( check it out ) he was practically bald. Now the friggin guy has a FULL HEAD of hair. Amazing must be surgery....

Then ... ymug1.html

I just saw him in his new movie and it was like night and day compared to the smoking gun picture


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odd, but i doubt its surgery, his hairline has the same curve in it as before. His hair seems to have weird periods, 99 being worse, then better in 200, then worse again in 2000..then it definitely gets better. Maybe he's got really bad Telogen Effluvium, or is a good finasteride responder.


It has to be a hair transplant or a wig - hair does not come and go like that.

sh*t, he's not the first hollywood actor to do it and he certainly won't be the last.