Massive Hair loss in 2 years at 20, please help !


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Hello, I am a 20 year old male and I have been experiencing hair loss for the past 2 years or so. My scalp has always been very itchy and I've had dandruff or something else ( as you can see in the picture). Also When my hair loss started, my iron levels were at 37 mg/l and for the past year they have been at 5 mg/l(due to a medical condition). The levels have just started going back up. In 2 years i have approximately lost 60-70 % of my hair density as you can see in the pictures. As you can see in the pictures my bulb is covered with this white substance which i believe is causing my hair to die.

I have tried minoxidil and shampoos that are suppose to treat dandruff without success

Can anyone help me ? Is the thin white substance causing my hair loss or is it genetic ?
6 months ago .png
white substance .png
before hairloss at 18.png


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The picture on the bottom was 2 year ago before experiencing hair loss and the first picture was taken 6 months ago with wet hair.


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Stop taking pictures and checking your wet hair. Finasteride is your best option, but hair is not everything. How you carry yourself is more important. Don’t lose your mind, or you will lose your life.

I don’t even know if you’re balding, my hair looked terrible while wet when i was like 10..


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Stop taking pictures and checking your wet hair. Finasteride is your best option, but hair is not everything. How you carry yourself is more important. Don’t lose your mind, or you will lose your life.

I don’t even know if you’re balding, my hair looked terrible while wet when i was like 10..
Thanks for your response, yes i agree with you but some days it is just hard to do that. However i have had a massive hair loss even when my hair is dry, a tone of volume is gone.


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I know it’s hard my man. A couple of months ago, i moved into a new apartment. This one has fluorescent lights and a closet mirror in the bathroom.

Try to go outside more, play videogames(or whatever hobby you have) and distract yourself. I promise you it will get better, even if it doesn’t feel that way now.

And again, i’m not even sure if you’re really balding. Stay strong bro, i know how it feels


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what's at the end of your hair? I have the same thing and I am the same age, it is not normal to lose this hair so soon, I tell myself that it is not male pattern baldness


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Your condition looks like male pattern baldness, have you seen a dermatologist?