major scare...what should i do!!?? please help


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started 1/5 proscar alsmost two months ago and had sides; acne on chest, watery seamen, reduced beard growth, eyebrow shedding. now i fear i am getting gyno, if not definate flabby chest (consider that i excercise a lot.)

i noticed yesterday and thought thats it i am coming off the stuff. but now am thinking what if i take 1mg every three days or every other day. does anybody think this is a good idea or offer any advice??

moreover the tone of my voice has strated to go higher (feminie like) on the odd occasions and i read that increased estrogen levels from finasteride use can cause this. am i wrong!?

please help. thank-you


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hulltras said:
moreover the tone of my voice has strated to go higher (feminie like) on the odd occasions and i read that increased estrogen levels from finasteride use can cause this. am i wrong!?

I am not an endocrinologist. However, I highly doubt your voice will become feminine. If you are experiencing significant sides, you may want to consult your physician.


major scare...what should i do!!??

get off the drug if you experienced side effect. consult your gp. rest and get rid of the stuff from your body by staying away from that stuff for couple of months.

then try natural treatment like what i have done.



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hulltras said:
reduced beard growth, eyebrow shedding.

I just read this again. One of the unusual signs of thyroid problems is a a slight "clipping" of the eyebrows: hair will fall out at the ends. Reduced beard growth is also unusual, and seems symptomatic of something different. Have you seen a physician?


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I have had a reductionin beard density and body hair. DHT is thought to have a reverse effect on body hair so it seems reasonable. N ogyno for me.


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Re: re:

Johnny24601 said:
I have had a reductionin beard density and body hair. DHT is thought to have a reverse effect on body hair so it seems reasonable. N ogyno for me.

I didn't realize that. Thanks. Would still recommend visiting a physician. One can speculate, but you just don't know.


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hulltras said:
now am thinking what if i take 1mg every three days or every other day. does anybody think this is a good idea

moreover the tone of my voice has strated to go higher (feminie like) on the odd occasions and i read that increased estrogen levels from finasteride use can cause this. am i wrong!?

please help. thank-you
You're obsessing. The side effects you listed are non issues. You had a temporary increase in testosterone, as is normal with Propecia, and you got a few zits. Watery semen is normal as well for awhile. Eyebrow shedding, normal. Nothing to freak out about. Gyno? Almost 1000% highly unlikely. The fact that you think your voice is going higher is just evidence that you are seeing demons under every rock. That isn't a symptom of Gyno. You're freaking yourself out. You don't get flabby chest without other seriously uncomfortable symptoms when you have Gyno.

Stick with the treatment and try to stop reading forum reports of side effects so much. If and when you actually start to have side effects that qualify as being worthy of concern, we will be here to advise you. Until then, 1mg daily, or drop the treatment and risk your hair. Try not to be your own worst enemy here.