maintenance on dutasteride


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I have been on dutasteride for around 10 months now and I have maintained what I have. When I was on Propecia, I continued to lose my hair though. I want more insurance that I can maintain my hair but I am destined for a Norwood 7 I believe and people say that if you have aggressive hair loss, that this treatment will only do so much.

I don't know if I should try the 2.5 mg dose of dutasteride or what. I want my hair to maintain. I wouldn't do oral spironolactone and my scalp gets really sore from topicals, no matter how gentle they are. My crown is painful a lot of the time with out the using topicals. nizoral just makes it worse.

How much longer do you think I could maintain my hair at 2.5 mg of dutasteride versus .5 miligrams. Is castration really the only way?

Is it realistic for me to expect some thickening after this 10 month mark as I do not believe that I have returned to baseline as of yet.


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there is no doubt that 2.5mg will serve you better than 0.5mg. You may want to add an anti androgen to your dutas as well.