Looking For Solution And Cause Of Hair Loss.


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Hey guys. I wanted to ask for some advice. I'm definitely thinning, however my hairline is almost gone as you can see in pictures. I don't have any noticable bald patches but my hair are really thin, dry, unhealthy. I used to have extra thick, soft, healthy hair back in the days. I've never had straight hairline , I've had the "U" type (Norwood 1) hairline since childhood, - So it was pretty hard to notice receding hairline. + I noticed that I lost the thickness of my hair in like 3months because of stress.. ( I'm sure that it just speeded the shedding up) Right now I use some anti androgen spray, with some saw palmetto extracts etc. - trichologist described to me and Hair stabil shampoo. By the way - there may be 3 possible causes of the problem. 1) Genetics. Yes all my uncles and my grandfather were bald. However last time I checked, my testosterone was high. So relatively higher T conversion do DHT.
2) The trichologist said I have some kind of "hair fungus"? - Sorry, english is not my native language, correct me if I called it wrong. I did 1month medication course +spray and nizoral shampoo.. (I still don't know if I got rid of it or not)
3) I have Hashimoto thyroditis. My TSH hormone is really high.. I have to take thyroxine (thyroid hormone) every day. I'm still looking for the righ dose.. So yeah, underactive thyroid.
4) Probably my vitamin D3 is pretty low too. Last time, year ago, I checked it was low.

I know I have to get my hormones in normal ranges and get rid of that hair fungus, just want your opinion:
Is it possible that the type of hairloss you see in pictures is due to "fungus" or thyroid issue? If so is it possible to get my hair back if I get my hormones right and get rid of that hair "fungus" thing?

If the hairloss is because of DHT..

1) What would you recommend to me?

2)I've read about the "BIG 3", and it makes sense. I know pretty much PROPECIA is the only real soluttion to block DHT.. However I'm really concerned about side effects, especially about the "Post finasteride sindrome".. Are the side effects common and irrevisible or it's just another media bullshit? I looked at some studies it seemed like 3-5% are having sides..
3) Is it possible to maintain hair without propecia, with just using some type of anti androgenic spray, cream?

P.S Sorry, if I posted in wrong category..


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I am not sure whether Hashimoto thyroditis interferes or is potentially dangerous when combined to treat Male Pattern Baldness with ''The Big Three''. If not, I'd def. recommend for you to take the Big 3 ASAP in order to maintain/possibly regrow out some hair.


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I am not sure whether Hashimoto thyroditis interferes or is potentially dangerous when combined to treat Male Pattern Baldness with ''The Big Three''. If not, I'd def. recommend for you to take the Big 3 ASAP in order to maintain/possibly regrow out some hair.
Okay. But what about side effects or propecia? Are they common or rare? However is PFS real thing or is it just a myth?


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Okay. But what about side effects or propecia? Are they common or rare? However is PFS real thing or is it just a myth?

According to Merck chance of side effects are like 2-5% if I recall correctly. Side effects can vary for everyone, and can be anything from watery semen to ED, Gyno, etc. Many people I've asked either say they suffer from either watery semen/or have no sides. Some people suffer from low libido but claim that they only experience that in the beginning.

Taking Finasteride, like any other medication is a risk. You will have to decide wether you're willing to take that risk. I wouldn't worry about sides since they'll disappear upon stopping medication... I, myself am 18 and contemplating Finasteride therefore I cannot give you a proper response and can only say what I've read about others. I hope this clarifies a few things.

Edit: In my OPINION, PFS is psychological to 95% of the people, since they only seem to blame a drug for all their issues. But once again, I haven't taken finasteride so I cannot give you a proper answer.