looking for an opinion


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Hey..so I'm 20 years old..I started seeing some major shedding in late August and in September last year..i could run my hand through my hair for about 5 seconds and I'd lose probably 30+ strands every time..anyway I ended up seeing a doctor about it, all she did was look at my scalp but she seemed to think it was an early stage of baldness, so she prescribed me propecia.

I started taking it, and about a month later my hair shedding stopped completely. I figured it was because of the pill but I guess it did seem sort of odd it started working so quickly..but it still made me question if it was really baldness or not. The only reason I questioned it was because I was under a huge amount of stress prior and during the time of the shedding.

anyway, flash forward to the beginning of Jan, I've been stressed out immensely again. And a week ago I'm shedding again..not like before but It's definitely not the 'norm'. I heard propecia could do that at about this stage, it's been 3 1/2 months now.

I guess what I'm wondering is if it's possible this is all stress related? but wouldn't I be losing hair in other places too if that was true? also, is it possible the propecia stopped the hair loss after a month? or is that not likely.

thanks for any opinions..