Looking for a good "cheap" surgeon.


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Also,as far as the temple guys loosing the most thing.
I still have very thick hair everywhere,my back is full.
My brother has a diff dad but hes 35 and has been balding for the last 10 years and his back and temples are gone.
This would lead me to believe the oppopsite "that people who bald in the crown" lose the most,,,,No??


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I'm talking about the area between your eyebrow and ear look at Larry David for a good example.


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Please tell me where this "point" that idicates ill prooly lose most my hair is?



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nilla said:
This is about what i want filled...

The verticly downwards part of the swoosh, but seeing your latest pic it does'nt look so bad.


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Thanks bro,thats why i added another pick with a shot of my eye included..
I understand its gotta be hard to evaluate well on pics alone..
But with the new pic does this indicate any new thoughts..
My Q's to be to the point are:

1.Will finasteride/big3, have a good chance of haulting/regrowing some of my hair?

2.Does it look like i will keep loosing hair with out the help of meds?

3.Am i a good hair transplant candidate?

4.Now seeing new photo, what would i be classified as and what does it mean??

Thanks a ton for all your help.


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nilla said:
1.Will finasteride/big3, have a good chance of haulting/regrowing some of my hair?
2.Does it look like i will keep loosing hair with out the help of meds?
3.Am i a good hair transplant candidate?
4.Now seeing new photo, what would i be classified as and what does it mean??

1. There is a good chance of being able to halt or severly slow the rate of hairloss with the big 3, a small degree of regrowth is not impossible but in all likelyhood probably wont happen.
2.Given your age and current status I'd guess that you would probably suffer abit more hairloss as you get older but nothing too dramatic. ie: I doubt you'd end up with a totally bald dome.
3. Well in that you dont have a big amount of hairloss I'd say you were in a good position for a hair transplant.
4. Well in that side photo you looked about nw2(ish) but in the previous frontal shot you looked more like a NW3.*

*(Norwood) This stands for Norwood scale a chart generally used as a guide to measure the degree of hairloss. Google it to see it runs from NW1 (no hairloss) to NW7 (the most severe m.p.b.


This is a very good thread, and thank you to nilla for posting very good photos and a nice description of your "wants"

Let me preface my comments by stating the obvious.."A patient has both wants and needs, with regards to hairtransplantation"

In your case nilla, I do not believe you "need" a hair transplant (hair transplant)

However, at age 30, with some temporal thinning, I completely understand wanting to hit the frontal tuft and bring the temple regions forward a bit.

I believe before you go for a hair transplant you should be on Propecia for 6 months to 1 year--- if you have no side effects, I believe you could be a bit more aggressive in your goals.
If you do experience side effects, then you will need to decide what is the best way to proceed by working that out with your doctor/by gleaning information from the internet.

I would say that 1400 grafts would make you much happier with your look and allow you to reassess your situation 10-14 months down the road.
If you respond well to meds, 2000-2000 grafts would likely provide a very nice dense hairline, slightly lowered temples that will likely be age appropriate as you enter your mid to late 30's and beyond.

You could go with a higher graft count for more density, but in the long run, I do not know if you will see the benefit while planning for future loss.

I would like to caution you about using price as a guiding light in your search for a hair transplant surgeon...it can get you in trouble.
You should look at many doctors and choose the 3-4 who provide the results you desire, have great reputations and have consistant results for many years... THEN work out pricing between them.

The very BEST Doctors are 4-5.00 per graft for the first 2000 grafts and then offer a nice discount thereafter for any additional grafts.

Good Luck in your search,


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Great response,thank you Jason.
I will be starting the big three in a week or so and try it out for the next 6months "while researching for a good surgeon" for the future.


Some good advice and comments from Bspot which I agree with.

I also encourage you to wait and evaluate the efficiency of the meds before undegoing a hair transplant procedure. You appear to be a Norwwod 3 with more of a recesssionary pattern of loss verses mass diffusion throughout.

Personally, I would not go quite as low with the hairline placement you drew in. It may look a little low when you get into the mid thirties and into your forties. I think going between what you drew in and where your exisiting hairline is right now would still look awesome.

How advanced is male pattern baldness in your family history? I mean if it's not advanced, you probably can get more agressive in density, but we still don't know anything about your donor density.