Long time sufferer


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I'm 31. I've had hair problems for years. Sikh male and wore a turban which hid most of the problems.

Around my early teens, I had problems with my scalp. Dermatologists couldn't decide between seborrhoeic dermatitis, seborrhoeic eczema, and psoriasis. I tried multiple treatments which never worked or controlled things for about a month before the skin problems returned. Over the past five years, I did nothing. My scalp was afflicted until fairly recently, when the majority appeared to have subsided. Unfortunately, along the way, I started losing my hair. It started in my early twenties and gradually progressed. It seemed to have really accelerated over the last 12 months and suddenly I'm a norwood 5.

I tried various things like clean diet, managed to lose around 20kg in weight, started to run regularly. It's made a difference to other parts of my life and health but it's done nothing for my hair. Now I might be getting married and the pressure is on. To top it all off, over the past three years, I've started sprouting grey hairs, mainly around the beard and a few around the temple areas so I have to address these too.

I'm gonna try finasteride given some of the success stories here. Nothing to lose realistically as at Norwood V/VI, it's as bad as it can get TBH.


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My Regimen
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You could always get a hair transplant and become a nw3 again assuming it doesn't look like you will be a nw6 or 7


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My Regimen
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Sad to hear this bro, at least you have an excuse to keep your hair covered in public. About the grey hairs you can get them coloured, just use a more natural colour to help them blend.

Realistically, if you are on finasteride there is a good chance you can keep what you have and with minoxidil you could gain some more hair. There's also the option of getting a hair transplant to like zzzzz said. That depends more on your budget really.

You said that it seemed to rapidly progress over the last year so there is a chance you could go back to what you had in the last year. Any growth you see on these treatments are usually hairs effected over the last few years.

I hope who ever you end up marrying has no issue with you balding.

Oh and put on some muscle bro, your wife will be staring at your muscles more than your hair, sikh men are usually big guys who can make sick gains at the gym. Must be all that lassi and stuff ;D.