Lifestyle and Hairloss


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Interesting read on Wiki regarding diet and lifestyle, specifically DHT levels. Read the "Diet and Lifestyle" content on the following link.

It's not the first time I read that vigorous aerobic exercising can significantly lower DHT levels. Compared to heavy weight lifting, which raises androgen levels.

Matt Skiba

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Footballers don't lose hair as much?

Yeah right, there's LOADS of balding soccer players, maybe you haven't been looking closely enough?

Seriously I don't think hair and athletic genetics are related in any way.

If you look around the amount of fat pieces of lard with full heads of hair and fit people with full heads of hair is about the same.

There's definitely no correlation, I'm sure studies have already been done, and if anything came out of it we'd know about it by now.

Perhaps there's not as many football players that are balding at the back of the head. but many have receding hairlines, this could also have to due with the general age of men who play football, and the general age when men start losing hair at the back of the head...

But look at the following picture of the England soccer team, and I think definitely more than 5% are receding...
