Just dropped propecia, will my new regimen work?


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Hey all, I've recently dropped propecia due to side effects. After 6 months of use I still had reduced ejaculation volume. I also had a stranger side effect: reduced facial hair growth. I noticed that it was barely growing, I only had to shave like every 3rd day. Since stopping finasteride the growth has returned to normal and I now have to shave everyday, weird huh?

Anyway, I'm just starting on a regimen of 5% minoxidil 2x/day, American Crew copper peptide spray 2x/day, and Nizoral like 3 or 4x/week. Is this regimen okay? I know I need a dht inhibitor, but my goal right now is only maintenance. So what do you guys think, will I be able to maintain my hair on this regimen?

On a side note, the Propecia worked absolute wonders for my hair and I hate to drop it. Over the six months I saw significant new growth on my temples and a thickening of the crown with a regimen of Propecia, American Crew, and Nizoral. I'm gonna try and scan some pictures of me from last christmas and some pictures of me today so you can compare.

Peace guys.


Experienced Member
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i think reduction in body hair is normal with the use of finasteride a dht inhibitor, but you may want to check with a medical expert on that matter

Molecular Help

Established Member
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Yahowha said:
I know I need a dht inhibitor, but my goal right now is only maintenance.

Well, I'll be the first to say it:

Dude, a dht inhibitor is the fundamental first choice if you want maintenance!!!!

On a side note there are A LOT of guys in this forum who wouldn't have dreamed have dropping propecia if they had your results, even with the sides. Is a beard and large amounts of ejaculate that important to you? Do you hope to star in a gay lumberjack porno?

But you've made your choice. Look into Revivogen for side effect free less proven dht disruption.


George Costanza

Established Member
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Yea, a dht inhibitor should be your #1 priority. Try spironolactone, fluridil, or revivogen. Just don't expect miracles from these.


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Molecular Help said:
Dude, a dht inhibitor is the fundamental first choice if you want maintenance!!!!

On a side note there are A LOT of guys in this forum who wouldn't have dreamed have dropping propecia if they had your results, even with the sides. Is a beard and large amounts of ejaculate that important to you? Do you hope to star in a gay lumberjack porno?

lmao. But shouldn't minoxidil and the Copper Peptides be enough to maintain hair on their own, even with DHT frollicking freely around my scalp (and body)? My train of thought when making this decision was that minoxidil, Copper Peptides, and even to some extent Nizoral are clinically proven treatments for hair loss. In the tests people must have used one of these products alone, and even then they showed some degree of improvement in hair count. Therefore, shouldn't using all three together at least guarantee maintenance?

How effective is Dr. Lee's Xandrox at inhibiting DHT? I know spironolactone and Revivogen are good, but I want to have to apply as few topicals as possible, and it'd be great if one of my minoxidil applications per day included a good DHT inhibitor.

Once again on a side note, I believe I also experienced a decrease in libido/time it takes to get an erection as a result of Propecia. I didn't mention it before because to this day I don't know if the effects are real or imagined. There's absolutely no way to objectively measure it; I can't even really say whether my libido went back up after I dropped the Propecia or not. I *can* however say that I now have much more ejaculate and a much higher rate of beard growth. Honestly, I was always a little worried about decresed libido/erections, and when I noticed my beard growth getting really slow I took it as proof that the loss of DHT was affecting me in a bad way. All things considered, messing with my hormones in exchange for hair just wasn't worth it to me any more. Most of all, I just don't want to be worried about "performance" issues at age 18! I'm in college and I have a horny girlfriend and I just don't want to be worrying about it.
